J.R.R. Tolkien vs George R R Martin
Who do you guys think Is the better writer.
I would say J.R.R. Tolkien since he's more original then GRRM also don't shit on anyone for having a different opinion then you do,
Thanks :•)
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FUCK you why are you trying to Bash George, George will Outlive all of us
I think you could have chosen a better thing to say but your opinion Is still welcome, I don't know what the chances are of George outliving us so I won't comment on that, also can you give me reason why you think George is better please that would be nice.
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( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I think GRRM would agree, Tolkien made a bigger contribution to the genre also thanks for the video made my day
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Your just jealous because you know George will outlive you
why you trying to turn this into argument, If you like GRRM better then It's fine but shiting on someone who doesn't agree with you is not
Your jealous because George is a better writter than Tolkien, Anyway Tolkien is Ancient History
have you read the silmarillion
You can't compare them and say who is better.George RR Martin is know on the days as the "Modern Tolkien",he is the man that renew the fantasy to the point we know.But Tolkien is the creator of it.
I like more Martin but if Tolkien didn't write The lord of the Rings perhaps today we wouldn't be discussing thrones on this forum
I completely agree.
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Have a nice day!
Well actually we should be thanking the Nordic and German myths and stories that tell a tale of a one all powerful ring and a sword that is reforged....or their elvish tales...throw in Slavic and early Christian stories...mixed with the horrors of WW1 and 2. Point is...All J.R.R. and George R.R. have done is to bring the popularity back to those types of tales. I like both of them.
Speaking only for Martin himself,he admitted that Tolkien was indeed his biggest inspiration.
The other writers surely played a role but Tolkien was the main one.
I was talking about Tolkien and how he basically stole Germanic and Norse myths to make his..but yeah...how can you not be influenced by a man who brought those stories to the 20th century.
Thanks :•)
I agree both have done a lot.
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For me JRR Tolkien is the founder of fantasy without him we wouldn't have a song of ice and fire and game of thrones. Tolkien knew how to make a fantasy world come to life however in my opinion a song of ice and fire is a more gripping story than lords of the rings (both of them are good). In case Tolkien he made he's world more believe in my opinion. But both of them are really good authors. If it was for me I like grrm more by a tiny bit beacause of his complex characters and interesting story
I like Martin's overall story and characters much more than Tolkien's. Tolkien was a genius and undoubtedly made some of the biggest contributions to the fantasy genre, perhaps you could even argue he created it, but his characters are all black and white, as is his story. Most of Tolkien's characters are either good or bad, there are almost no shades of grey. I think no one would argue against Frodo=good, Sauron=bad; this is simply not as easy in ASOIAF. Jaime pushed a young boy out a window, yet he's one of the "best" Lannisters and has a redemption arc. In Tolkien's literature, he would be defeated in combat by the noble hero instead, and while that was new and exciting seventy years ago, it's gotten old nowadays. Grim fantasy like Martin's is much more enjoyable for me.
Characters: Martin > Tolkien
Story: Martin > Tolkien
Universe: Martin = Tolkien
Writing style: Tolkien > Martin
Overall: Martin > Tolkien
At least in my opinion.