They fly and breath Fire or Ice
So yeah dragons prove an enormous advantage to anyone that can use them to achieve their objectives...And on asoiaf it makes no difference,The Mother of dragons has also used them for her own goals.We must also consider the Ice dragons,despite not being introduced directly on Game of thrones,they've been mentioned on The World of Ice and Fire,flying on the Shivering Sea along the White Waste.
The thing is that when you see a dragon(at least the ones featured on the storyline) you classification them nearly as invencible and even inmortal.
But for Daernerys worse luck,Cersei had a point about it,Dragons can be killed as they were left on extinction on the asoiaf universe thousands of years ago.It would not be rare on this season to see one of her dragons fall on the final battles...
Here I bring you guys,an article of WinterisComing that explains more about the topic even giving points on the mitology of several countries!
Share your thoughts on the comments!
The only way of killing a dragon is to strike a spear into his eyes atleast in the books. We will see a dragon die this season 100%. Regarding ice dragons... We know little about them expect the GRRM short story called Ice dragon which has some similarity with a song of ice and fire but GRRM denied that the ice dragon is in the same Universe as a song of ice and fire. Anyways looks like we will get an Ice dragon in the show and in the books but probably in the books the ice dragons are real creatures not reanimated dragons. If they appear in the books/show it will give a bigger meaning to a song of ice and fire it's not only Jon Snow and Danny but also the balance and different forces in the universe like R'hollor and the great other.
We already seen Cersei's "dragon killer weapon" on the show designed by Qyburn.
I see it similar as the scorpions that killed dragons before on asoiaf with its iron bolts and can prove a quick death to Rhaegal,Viserion or Drogon.
It's a pity the dragon under,"Euron Greyjoy's horn" wasn't introduced yet on the series,The horn is able to control dragons and it appears to be one of the story centers in The Winds of Winter.
The other mitology background is quite interesting,I liked the Japanese story where the beast become drunk and then it's killed by the storm god cutting the animal on pieces.It's cool but not for asoiaf clearly and least likely to happen... perhaps if Tyrion was on the other side but only.
There are several ideas that could be used by the producers or Martin on next updates to the saga.
I forgot about that one!The stories of Old Nan also featured the Ice Dragon as one of the topics...That kind of Dragons seem to be bound to the North and the Shivering Sea,I have no idea of points for a possible introduction but it would be interesting.
Regarding the Dragonslayers on the books it was also cool to remember the story of Serwyn who tricked the dragon with his mirror and killed him with the spear.I believe that George will introduce more method s based on mitology and oral stories.
Asoiaf is more than Jon and Daernerys,the balance between the evilness and goodness as well as the confluency of all the powers uniting on a major chaos.
Thanks for the comment!
I'll miss the horn too on the show...That appeared to be quality content.
We are still not sure that dragon binder bindes dragons. We still have to see it in action. Will we see a dragon get stolen from Danny in the next book? Yeah probably. In the show? Nope. I'm very excited for Danny in WOW.
It may not work but the hype is there man...You can't deny it
By the way now that we've touched the topic,any news about WoW?
GRRM is still working on it.But he stated that we will get a new book from him in 2018 it might fire and ice or winds of winter.
Thanks for reporting back