Model reused in other telltale games?
I guess it's just me, but I never realised a reused model in any telltale game except for Monkey Island.
In Monkey Island there were like only reused models besides maybe three of them.That is annoying, but still great a game, I'm just wondering how that can be but in the other games got no obvious (or any?) model reuse.
in Sam and Max, I really really can't see any reused model.Except for the really minor ones like the babys in Moai Better Blues.The Soda Poppers had to be reused, it suited them good to be all the same, for a trio.And I don't care about the zombies.But what about the rest?I really didn't see any model reusations besides this minor ones.
now for Wallace and Gromit, here I have to say, I really didn't see anything simmilar on ANY person, except for the dogs.I mean, srsly, telltales didn't reuse any OR they did it that great that you just can't notice it.
So I'm wondering how this too games could have such great/non-existing model-reusation compared to the newer Monkey Island?
Please correct me if I'm wrong.
PS. Didn't play the other telltale games so no idea for them.
In Monkey Island there were like only reused models besides maybe three of them.That is annoying, but still great a game, I'm just wondering how that can be but in the other games got no obvious (or any?) model reuse.
in Sam and Max, I really really can't see any reused model.Except for the really minor ones like the babys in Moai Better Blues.The Soda Poppers had to be reused, it suited them good to be all the same, for a trio.And I don't care about the zombies.But what about the rest?I really didn't see any model reusations besides this minor ones.
now for Wallace and Gromit, here I have to say, I really didn't see anything simmilar on ANY person, except for the dogs.I mean, srsly, telltales didn't reuse any OR they did it that great that you just can't notice it.
So I'm wondering how this too games could have such great/non-existing model-reusation compared to the newer Monkey Island?
Please correct me if I'm wrong.
PS. Didn't play the other telltale games so no idea for them.
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Whats a reuse bout that?
Telltale Texas Hold'Em?
Thats no reuse for me, its more of a parody.With reuse I meant people looking the same like in MI.
The model of the unicorn from Sam&Max 106 is reused in the glass unicorns from ToMI
One of the Texas Hold'em players is reused in Sam&Max
The rope Sam&Max used to tie him is reused in the intro sequence of ToMI
God guys, I meant inside ONE game, like ToMI is reusing their characters inside ToMI all time, and I meant that for the other games, not what game reused what in the other.
The moles in Sam&Max 103?
But you see, they only reused models that nobody would care bout reusing anyway.In MI they really only reuse the same ones, and they got the same amount of time they did for the other ones, its really like their just doing this cause of the wii, gosh.
Who cares? I think that the moles mentioned previously are a prime example of the point I am going to make. They are minor characters just as the random pirates are. Why create brand new models for characters that are going to get 5-10 minutes of screen time & then vanish from the series forever? It would be a waste of both time (Making the new models) & money (making a game isn't cheap). If reused models annoy you to the point in which you make an entire thread complaining about how much they suck, then you obviously don't enjoy very many video games at all.
I didn't enjoy a game as much as I did episode 2 of ToMI for years, I didn't complain that much on the characters, how I complained that the same people made other games where they max. reused the same model for three persons.In Tales its only episode two and we saw the same, how many times now?6,7?
I mean, one new model via episode can't be that hard, can it?
and the bears in the casino.
All mice in the sam & Max Episodes
Moai heads, the sea chimps the babies, the elves, soda poppers, the 3 Pedros
Three parts of max in 106.
^ This.
The only thing I see here is nitpicking. And in fact there are new models in episode 2, mainly the merfolk, not to mention islands and assets are models too.
1) Pirates with similar models (but different clothing, facial hair, hats, etc. to make them unique) but several new locations per episode
2) A huge cast of pirates, all with different models -- but the same reused locations in every episode
Just curious.
Nah, but it's obvious that everyone would go for 1, me included.