Who will rule the Seven Kingdoms in Game of Thrones?
I'm thinking Jon Snow is the rightful ruler, not Danaerys.
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I'm thinking Jon Snow is the rightful ruler, not Danaerys.
Miss Piggy should rule
Hot Pie will sit on the Iron Throne. He's the only one to rule the Seven Kingdoms.

Well if Danny's premonition is to be believed..no one will sit the Iron Throne...remember her dream where Kingslanding was all burned out? I think Jon will die defeating the Nightsking...she will have his child...but the cost of the war may be too high for Westeros.
For some reason I think that Westeros will fall apart in nine individual kingdoms, like before the Conquer. I predict this ending for the books, not sure about the show though. To me it looks like D&D go to another direction I can't figure out.
How about this guy...
I think Jon & Dany child will rule after they're parents died
No one will sit the iron throne.The whole story is about the casualty of the feudal system so after all this death and destruction you think there would be a throne? I think not.It will probably end in a democratic system Like the iron islands.
I like the idea of no one sitting in the Iron Throne. At the ending of episode five I was thinking that Sansa might be a good choice, but I wasn't so sure after episode six. She was too easily manipulated by Little Finger. I expect Little Finger to meet his end before the series ends.
Well... I think Gilly revealed that Rhaegar was married to Lyanna, so yeah, following succession, that would mean that Jon is the legitimate heir of the Targaryen line. But gods I hope Dany and Jon don't get married.
I hope they would also discover by now what littlefinger did to their father. I mean six seasons has already passed & littlefinger's sercret is still uncovered.
Not so much, anymore. A few of his pertinent secrets have been revealed.
yes, I guess they heard us, he's gone for good.