Everyone's gonna hate me for this, but...



  • Threads are better when they lead into discussion of the story instead of general chat, so let's please focus on story discussion instead. The thread might get locked if it only focuses on general chat.

  • edited August 2017


    What do I do then, name this the 'Official Jacktra Thread' or something...?

    Threads are better when they lead into discussion of the story instead of general chat, so let's please focus on story discussion instead. The thread might get locked if it only focuses on general chat.

  • edited August 2017

    i wanna barf

  • While I don't ike to push things in any sense I'm honestly surprised that random threads that have way more colorful and not story related like "I hate Axel' and such we don't see much moding but in an inoffensive thing like this we see the whole thing moderated.

    Also, we already have shipping threads, more or less populars. And I speak as someone whose opinion has always been a clear "I don't care about the romantic aspect in any story."

    I apologize for this commet and I guarantee I don't want to start a discussion nor I want to argue since you're the moderator and your word is final, I just wanted to experess that I was honestly surprised by this. That being said if it means we'll finally see a minor numbr of shipping posts in general I will... just be happy about it.

    Threads are better when they lead into discussion of the story instead of general chat, so let's please focus on story discussion instead. The thread might get locked if it only focuses on general chat.

  • like Jetra is any better though lmao

  • Actually my jesse flirting with her

  • Flirting with who? And whoever it is i'm pretty sure Jesse didn't flirt with them.

    Justin22 posted: »

    Actually my jesse flirting with her

  • edited August 2017


  • Eh, in regards to this thread - I was going off of how past shipping threads for previous games sometimes led to threads that later on focused on somewhat gimmicky posts. (For now, we've opted out of locking the old ones around Season 1 because those were made before the new guideline.)

    In regards to what else you else you said (of similarly pointless threads like "I hate Axel"), we might have not moderated those as strictly because those weren't shipping threads (which we have past experience with), but I do see and understand your point now that you bring it up. If you see similar threads like that in the future, it helps to continue flagging those as we sometimes miss things that slip under the radar.

    I apologize for this commet and I guarantee I don't want to start a discussion

    Don't worry, it's nothing to apologize for! Thanks for being civil and understanding. I can answer more questions you might have in a PM (or read general comments) but I'll ask that we continue this in PMs so we don't derail the thread. Same goes for anyone else who wants to ask questions. Thanks. :)

    While I don't ike to push things in any sense I'm honestly surprised that random threads that have way more colorful and not story related l

  • Please, by all means, close the discussion. This was meant to be a prank thread (don't take this the wrong way, please) in which I wanted to survey the reactions of Jetra fans. I don't really ship "Jacktra" (but I do like the idea better than Jetra). I'm sorry if I caused any trouble among the forums. Close the discussion, if you'd be so kind.

    Sorry for causing an unintentional ruckus.

    Eh, in regards to this thread - I was going off of how past shipping threads for previous games sometimes led to threads that later on focus

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited August 2017

    There's no problem, you didn't cause any trouble - I was just explaining the context of why some threads are/are not allowed, but I think we all kind of confused each other and I think that you guys see my posts as being strict when they were not meant to be. Again, nobody is in trouble or anything! :p I was just asking that people focus on story discussion instead of general chat, as sometimes, people get kinda off topic and make gimmicky posts. I think we all just kinda misunderstood each other.

    Please, by all means, close the discussion. This was meant to be a prank thread (don't take this the wrong way, please) in which I wanted to

  • edited August 2017

    THANK YOU! I had just created this to basically be a spoof of all the other shipping threads. It backfired though as all the shipping haters flocked over here instead of the Jetra/Lukasse people who I wanted to see reactions out of! :D

    There's no problem, you didn't cause any trouble - I was just explaining the context of why some threads are/are not allowed, but I think we

  • Why would people hate you for this???

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