Petra to much backstabbing?

I can't be the only one thinking this. The first stab at episode 1 was...... awesome and unexptected. Honestly i really did not see it coming because she trust Jesse more then anyone in the group (wither sickness) so lying to him/her was not on my mind at all.To add it all up Jesse (and the others) was a bad friend in the past.Stuff where said and eventually Jesse and Petra apologize to eachother (My choice).Pretty sweet character development, gj telltale!

But then at episode 2 she stabs you again? Way to go Petra, that diden't took long. Like why whould she hide stuff if she is "grateful". I know she said she was gonna tell Jesse and she had a good reason but....ughh It's easy to say that afterwards. If she wants to gonna go alone with Nurm,Vos and Jackass then its fine. Not like Jesse was gonna leave beacontown in ruins anyway. It kinda sucks because she is my favorit character along with lucas,male and female Jesse ( I see them as two diffrent characters).

Btw Lucas has been awesome this episodes.Very supporting to Jesse and kinda reminds you that they are close friends.


  • edited August 2017

    How? by choosing her own way of life or living her own
    my Jesse was yeah a trust worth friend to petra I even apologized to her when she asked for apology but that doesn't make him someone who she should do nothing in her own life just to make him satisfied Jessie is not her dad or mom so she should not do any thing without his knowledge or promotion, its her own life she doesn't need to describ her own choices or what make her happy to Jessie its her own life, if she want to be the champion of champion city, want to go with her childhood hero fine with me whatever make her happy, I cringed a lot when she describing to me her doing what she wanted to do, and the way she was describing it was like a teenage describing to his parents why did he came home late at night.

  • She has low self-esteem now due to Jesse's accomplishments being noted much more than hers, which is why she is acting behind Jesse's back. And also there is the celebrity crush on Jack, she just wants to hang out with him more than she wants to hang out with Jesse. She seems to want to make her own name separated from Jesse's.

    That said, Petra is getting pretty unlikable. I hope you don't have to stay alone with her for too long if you sent Jack to get the clock. Remember when Petra defended Lukas, back in season 1? I liked that, I wish she was still like that, but while she is not actively belittling Radar, she is siding with people who do. I don't like her anymore.

  • So you think Jesse is in the way of her choosing what to do in life? Kinda confused i dont say anything about Jesse must have the knowledge of what Petra is doing. Like what? thats weird. I'm just saying that petra telling Vos,Jackass and Nurm to hide and lie about there adventure is not the Petra I know. Imagine Lucas doing this, I cant.

    Also your Profile icon makes me miss lee....

    FORTLEE posted: »

    Backstabbing? How? by choosing her own way of life or living her own my Jesse was yeah a trust worth friend to petra I even apologized to

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