Cant Sign in (in game)

So i had this problem with the original Batman game, Now seem to have the same issue with GoG
I go to sign in and put in my username and password and get the error message "incorrect Password" The Password you entered did not match our records bla bla bla
So i clicked I forgot my password and change the password ... still get the same message in game.
Wait a day
Same message
Wait a week
Same message

Is there something wrong with the log in stuff in their games?


  • I recommend consulting the Telltale Support Center and sending their Support Team a message through one of the following ways:

    When sending Support your request, it will help them if you answer the following questions:

    Are you attempting to log in with your email address or with your username (if you have one)? Can you tell us the email address or username you are using to log in with? If you were using your username, please try logging in with your email address.

    Where are you changing your password? Are you using the in-game password reset link, or the website 'forgot password' reset link, or the 'Change Password' option in the Settings tab of your profile?

    Please also try changing your password using one of the other methods listed above. If that works, please let us know which method it was.

    Can you tell us when this issue started for you? Did you change your password recently before this began? If you did change your password, was it through the game or the website?

    I'm going to close this discussion and move it to the archived Support Forum section, but you can still receive help from Telltale Staff members by trying any of the options above.

    [Please note that this message is only posted by volunteer community Moderators. Community Moderators are not Telltale Staff.]

This discussion has been closed.