Littlefinger's Fate.
Hello everybody, how are you? It is been a while since the last time I posted, but just like the watchers on The Wall, I have been vigilant. I am here today to inform about one matter and to discuss another, as it unfolds:
1 - I wish to inform that this account, held in the past by both my obnoxious twin brother and myself is now exclusevely mine. However, that nasty person is willing to create another account for himself so beware.
2 - Lord Petyr Baelish has found his end by the hands of the Starks. Littlefinger was my favourite character in GRRM's story, and in my conception his death was both fitting and satisfying. Still, there is some controversy to whether Baelish could be a more profitable character (from a plot perspective) in the wars to come. Did we see all there was to be seen about this wonderful character? The death of the most dangerous man in Westeros was justice made by the Starks themselves, no doubt. But did it make justice to the character? To us? feel free to express your thoughts.
It feels like Dan and Dave have been given the end point of the books and been told. "Right, that's where you've got to get to, but I'm not going to tell you how." By George R R Martin. As a result of this, a lot of things feels rushed, like the timing and Dany and Jons "romance", the battles, why Tyrions character seemed so dumb this season and why Littlefinger's role this season was to force unnatural conflict between the stark girls and lead to his rather shit death. Not justice to his incredible character at all.
Don't blame GGRM for this. It looks more like DD felt strong after the red wedding and wanted to do their changes all the times.
I agree with you anyway: the Littlefinger's arc was bullshit. It's obvious they didn't know what to do with him this season.
Also sweet robin disappeared for no reason.. Probably because he would have protected his "uncle Petyr".
I'm not blaming George, I just think it's a series of events that has lead to it. I'm just treating the show and books separately now. Waiting for the books to come out.
Waiting for the books to come out
I hope you have a lot of patience friend.
Been waiting 4 years so far, I can wait a few more!
Agreed. I was truly waiting for some sort of master plan coming from him, or at least a final face-off with The Spider. To die the way he did was satisfying indeed, but overall disappointing.
The way the showrunners messed with the political player this season(nearly killing them all) was the biggest slight they could do to book readers,making them fall on that way without playing their cards they deserved better.
And Littlefinger getting him into the Winterfell nonsense,When in the books it would not be rare that he told Sansa about liberating Winterfell merely to distract her.Olenna, Littlefinger and what remains of you Varys I remember your true selfs
Exactly! I remember the time when I thought that the real players of the game of thrones were Varys and Littlefinger. I was hoping that either Tywin, Varys or Littlefinger would sit on the Iron throne. But now the Littlefinger is dead and it seems that Varys lost all of his little birds. They destroyed all of the interesting characters by making them irrational, cartoonish and simply dumb. I hope that the books are better than this.
Relax, guys. We still have Morgryn.
Bet it's Arya wearing his face
Yes, not a bad character, I even accepted his proposal.
You know now I really have to wonder if Morgryn actually survived this long into the series.
I did too,Morgryn must be there on season two to move the strings.
I hope so. Too many good schemers have died so far.
If S2 takes place after season seven/eight of the show, it's possible Morgryn heard about Littlefinger's demise and will be taking steps to ensure he doesn't end up the same way.
Possibly, but that might be skipping too many cool moments in the series. Let's not even pretend that Telltale will not want to do Hardhome.
They'll have the open path of four seasons to work the plot out.Giving us good political and intrigue moments is the least they could do for this great saga
True. I just wonder if Morgryn will be the one to give us that or others will take over.
Hey all schemers are welcome this is the game of thrones after all and we have to remember it.
I would like to play as a hardened courtier such as Garibald Tarwick(possible Sera's betrothed) and return to the capital with new cards to play at the same time we explore the remaining of Mira's Story
And What about a Varys cameo in the game?
Again it could work but we would need another character in Essos.
Agree ! We definitely need more Littlefinger, Varys, Olenna and Morgryn in the future.
How many more books are there...I have heard that Winds of Winter is over 2,000 pages.
Well I don't have any idea how many pages winds of winter will be, based on the 5 books out now which are roughly 800-1200 pages it will be around the same. But, there are two more books planned to come out, Winds of Winter and a Dream of Spring.
That idiot couldn't think himself out of a wet sack made out of paper. Westeros is doomed
Malcolm is perfect for Essos,all the community has theorised about his possible playable future.Also it would be cool to know more about the Branfields' background and past as a mighty house
No,the show is doomed