Star Wars the Clone Wars (Animated series) is so damn good!
I've finished binging this amazing show on Netflix and I love it so much! Seriously if you like Star Wars, go watch it, even if you hate the prequels there's so much to love about this show. So past this point I'm going to go into spoilers.
Two of my favorite things about this show are the Clone Troopers and Ahsoka Tano. Firstly I'm going to talk about the Clones. I love that there's a larger focus on them. They're actual characters not a bunch of no name soldiers. I found out so much about them that I didn't know. One thing being that they're almost a brotherhood. The clones don't just see each other as comrades, but as brothers. Then you get more insight into Order 66 and how the Clones aren't even aware of it until it happens. Now Ashoka was my favorite character. I loved her so much and you can quickly see how much Anakin has rubbed off on her. She questions the Jedi just as much as Anakin does if not more. I loved this little bit of dialogue that sums up their relationship pretty well.
Anakin: "We disobey the council all the time, don't we snips?"
Ashoka: "Yep"
Padme: "I can't believe they let you teach"
One more thing I want to talk about is Anakin's dark side. It's so exciting whenever you see glimpses of it and the show does it so well. Whenever Anakin flips out you can understand why he does it.
I can't wait to move onto Star Wars Rebels, though I hear it's not as good as the Clone Wars but I'm still looking forward to it. What do you think about the Clone Wars? Feel free to share your thoughts or even your favorite moments! Just be nice enough to add a spoiler warning for those who haven't watched it, if you want to talk about spoilers.
I agree, Clone Wars is FANTASTIC. Rebels while still being good isn't as great initially, as it feels more targeted to kids, but by the second season (especially the finale) it borderlines on being just as good as it's predecessor.
Season 1 of the Clone Wars kind of had that "It's for kids" feeling for a while as well but thankfully it got a lot more awesome in the later seasons.
My favorite episodes are DEFINITELY the Umbara ones from Season... was it 3 or 4? It's been a while...
Yeah, The Clone Wars was fantastic. I still have to watch season six for more canon story details.
Yeah, I finished it not too long ago after a long process of stopping and starting. It's definitely worth it for the later seasons, they are brilliant. It adds a lot to the prequels (namely ROTS, though I already think that movie is great). It was mainly the Darth Maul and Mandalorian stuff that stood out to me, I really enjoyed those episodes.
I'm now on Rebels and it has been a similar process. I started a while ago but stopped, now I'm slowly getting through it. I'm only on season 1, so I can't really comment on how good it is compared to Clone Wars, but I'll be amazed if Rebels reaches a similar peak.
Those are the ones with Krell and the Clones right? I loved that arc! It really got me invested in the Clones and Fives really grew on me at that point.
Aye. I was so sad when they cancelled it. I was so very hyped for the coming seasons, and then it got cancelled. Fuckin' hell I was mad.
Anyways, in Season 3 especially of Rebels, they tie some important arcs together (you'll know it when you see it), Most people who worked on TCW now works on Rebels, and they were determined to tie some lose ends up. I'm glad they did. Rebels in on it's last season now as well I think, so who knows what'll happen afterwards.
I watched the show from its the beginning movie to the finale. I absolutely love it. There's so much good stuff to gleam from it. My favorite episodes were the Umbara arc (DAVE FENNOY!) and Maul and Mandalore, but there's stuff in there for everybody. Anakin's descent to Darth Vader actually made sense and he was still likeable. It's a damn shame the show got cancelled before it could fully finish. At least there's those unfinished animatics to tide over people along with the Lost Missions. The clones were awesome too. Ahsoka was annoying at first but I liked her progression. Cad Bane? Amazing.
Rebels is pretty good. There's some rough stuff early on, but the further the show goes the more it becomes the successor to the Clone Wars, which is great. Mandalore features pretty prominently, and there's some really great characters in it. I'd love to talk my favorite moments in it, but I don't want to spoil ya.
Exactly...season 1 of Clone Wars while not bad...was like Rebels...all about finding their style and pacing.
I finished Clone Wars 2 months ago and I LOVE IT. Now I'm watching Rebels and it's not as good as clone wars but I really like it.
Too bad it got cancelled.
I've never been interested in star wars or anything that has to do with star wars. AND I just started to watch clone wars because my brother was watching, I took a look and then you know what happened haha.
My favorite character is Ashoka too! I love her personality and the way she has evolved over the seasons. At the start she was childish and and didn't take things too seriously and then she got much more mature, her fighting skills got much better and that impressed me.
Season 5 is my favorite because for me it had a lot of action and it was a very dark season. Besides, the end shocked me, Ashoka leaving the Jedi order was so sad, I could not believe she did that. And the music made everything even sadder.
I'm happy again because she appears in Rebels. Anyway that's what I think about Clone Wars
Nah... I disagree, that show was too childish for my taste (at least most of the times) it had a few dark moments but I could never take it seriously. I didnt like how the show portrayed the Separatists: the droids were inexcusably retarded! they made them act like stupids, cowards and totally weak, not threatening at all. Grievous was completely useless and incompetent, he was the biggest coward, he couldnt even kill one padawan without using dirty tricks and I dont remember a single battle he have won. Sometimes I wonder why the war lasted that long with those kinds of enemies.
The show contradicts ROTS in many ways, it's full of inconsistencies: Anakin is an entirely different character from AOTC for no reason, Ashoka is completely retroactive, Obi-Wan has fought Grevious many times even though they've met for the first time in EP 3. Anakin and Dooku's fight in EP 3... "my powers have doubled since the last time we met". TCW messed up this line too. Not to mention there are a few more minor inconsistencies along the episodes.
In my opinion the "Tartakovsky's Clone Wars" was far superior.
I loved the arc where Ashoka is framed! It's so good when she's on the run and outright disobeys Anakin "I won't take the fall for something I didn't do!"
I'm so glad they give to her such an important arc in season 5. She deserved it for sure.
Everything she did in the season was impressive! Especially when she disobeyed Anakin. Her actions were unexpected.
I'm happy to meet someone who likes her and the show the same way I do !
The Separatists were pretty idiotic, especially in the first season. But I do think there's a few shining moments for them. General Kalani on Onderon for example. The Umbaran Militia. And I do have one time Grievous wasn't a total (complete) coughing idiot: Dathomir was a Separatist victory. Still, I suppose the fact that he got beat by a bunch of Gungans lessens this greatly.
I think you're misremembering it a bit. It's Anakin Grievous never met, until ROTS. That's why there was the reputation and height comment between them.
While at the time it first came out obviously referring to AOTC, I think that line is more vague than anything else and is easily explained. I see no reason he couldn't being referring to a more recent time than we assumed.
I love stories when the good guys go rogue to do what they think is right. Another of my favorite arcs is when Fives goes rogue because he's caught the trail of Order 66.
The droids weren't very smart but that was part of the humor. If you look at characters like Dooku and Ventress they nearly always wreck everyone. I loved the bad guys in the Clone Wars, I even grew to really like Grevious.
Grevious was awesome on the Night Sisters battle! I actually started rooting for him at one point.
Yeah, Dooku was really awesome in TCW, except that time where he was disarmed, outwitted and humiliated by a small band of pirates and then forced to work with Anakin and Obi Wan to escape...? in my opinion that was insulting for the character, what were the writers thinking? At least he makes up for it by kicking the shit out of two of them and then Force owning them all in the end.
Grievous was awesome in this battle, but it was against the night sisters. I would've love to see him fighting like that more often against the Republic and the clones. Grievous is not a Military Genius nor is he a good fighter in this Series. Which in every source other than this one... he's supposed to be one of the brightest Military minds in the galaxy and has killed many Masters and Knights before. In this show he's struggling to kill padawans...
Oh my God, YES. I love this show! I watched all of it in about 2 weeks on Netflix and it was great.
Have a favorite Clone Trooper?
Did not appreciate them screwing up the Dathomir from the original books.
What did they do to it?
It is just a EU vs Legends and current cannon...I detest it. Expanded Universe was better in a lot of ways.
It's a 3 way tie between Rex, Fives, and Cody.
That's not fair! They're the main ones.
Jokes aside I love Rex and Fives, I liked Cody but he wasn't among my favorites. Fives was my favorite without question because of how he always did what he thought was right regardless of his orders.
Lol, Fives was great!