Excuse me, darling. I was not being a jerk. I gave you a simple question, and then you give me a rude, no, 2 rude replies. What did I say to sound like a jerk? I do understand that you are maybe 10 years old, and don't see the world like most others because you are to young. But there is no need to be an absolute [jerk] about a genuine question, which you, by the way, did not answer to. Geez
[Mod edit: Cleaned up language. Don't be rude to other users, especially with foul language in the Minecraft section.]
Excuse me, darling. I was not being a jerk. I gave you a simple question, and then you give me a rude, no, 2 rude replies. What did I say to… more sound like a jerk? I do understand that you are maybe 10 years old, and don't see the world like most others because you are to young. But there is no need to be an absolute [jerk] about a genuine question, which you, by the way, did not answer to. Geez
[Mod edit: Cleaned up language. Don't be rude to other users, especially with foul language in the Minecraft section.]
He's less angry and more upset but understands the situation and that Nurm volunteered. If he's angry at anyone, I'd say it's Xara and not Jesse. There's also a rather sweet moment where he makes a vow to return for Nurm no matter what.
He's less angry and more upset but understands the situation and that Nurm volunteered. If he's angry at anyone, I'd say it's Xara and not Jesse. There's also a rather sweet moment where he makes a vow to return for Nurm no matter what.
In minecraft, stone pressure plates only activate when a mob is on them, but the wooden ones are able to be activated by simply dropping an item on it.
I left behind Nurm, only because he offered, it was the hardest choice ingame so far in both seasons.
"Do you want to abandon this character you love or that other character you love?"
I realize now why they always made me chose Petra and someone else, it was easier when I could just go the 'someone else' route. but TWO characters I love? That was painful.
I left Nurm behind. Since he offered it and that Stella asked me to take care of Luna, it's what's best. Since I didn't left Luna, Stella is probably going to be trust worthy and do right by Jesse. And considering that she's your ally on the Admin's side, I guess she might be useful into getting Nurm back, who knows?
Brought Nurm because I hate Lluna with a burning passion. Just like I hated Reuben in season 1. I can't stand animal characters in these kinds of games.
Brought Nurm because I hate Lluna with a burning passion. Just like I hated Reuben in season 1. I can't stand animal characters in these kinds of games.
Can somebody please tell me...why...would...jesse not stay behind...she could have stayed instead of poor Nurm or Lluna
Jesse's the former in my playthrough.
Hmmmm because you're the protagonist and story wouldn't continue if you stayed behind?? Lol
Lluna because I don't trust her in not exploding the entire room on purpose lol
i said that just my opinion geez why do you people need to be sooo ignorant geez get a life let me said my own opinions
How would you not bring nurm?
its just a fucking llama
Actually there's a Easter egg where you can stay at the place while nurm and lluna go I think it's only on pic though I could be wrong
oh also just curious like you said you see how you sound you like a jerk
Excuse me, darling. I was not being a jerk. I gave you a simple question, and then you give me a rude, no, 2 rude replies. What did I say to sound like a jerk? I do understand that you are maybe 10 years old, and don't see the world like most others because you are to young. But there is no need to be an absolute [jerk] about a genuine question, which you, by the way, did not answer to. Geez
[Mod edit: Cleaned up language. Don't be rude to other users, especially with foul language in the Minecraft section.]
Let's not cuss out other users here in the Minecraft section, please. Thanks.
Don't swear please.
Some people like animals.
i bringed Nurm
Jesus Christ will you bloody stop
I bought nurm bc, well Luna is a llama. I did feel bad thou, hope we do get a chance to save them or at least find out they survived.
Dude, just shup up. Jeez your annoying.
How angry does jack actually get if you leave nurm behind ? I'm guessing pretty damn angry but does it seem to affect anything?
He's less angry and more upset but understands the situation and that Nurm volunteered. If he's angry at anyone, I'd say it's Xara and not Jesse. There's also a rather sweet moment where he makes a vow to return for Nurm no matter what.
Oh really? That's interesting but also sad
I defo hope that if nurm is left behind then he is saved later on.
Same. I'm going to be heartbroken if Nurm's lost. Thankfully, I don't think that'll be the case.
In minecraft, stone pressure plates only activate when a mob is on them, but the wooden ones are able to be activated by simply dropping an item on it.
Oh poor jack

Thanks for showing me mate
If you chose to say “i did it for Stella” jack gives you a death stare
XD I saw that on a video
You break TNT instantly..
i swear if i heard an explosion when i left lluna in my second playthrough i wouldve deleted the game
DUDE i wasnt going to lose another animal/pet.
dont give him attention. he’ll (or she’ll idk ur gender jetralover..) stop sooner or later.
I left behind Nurm, only because he offered, it was the hardest choice ingame so far in both seasons.
"Do you want to abandon this character you love or that other character you love?"
I realize now why they always made me chose Petra and someone else, it was easier when I could just go the 'someone else' route. but TWO characters I love? That was painful.
I left Nurm behind. Since he offered it and that Stella asked me to take care of Luna, it's what's best. Since I didn't left Luna, Stella is probably going to be trust worthy and do right by Jesse. And considering that she's your ally on the Admin's side, I guess she might be useful into getting Nurm back, who knows?