Who loved that jetra scene?
I loved it, anyone else? If you dont consider it to be jetra, thats fine, but do you think it was cute anyways?
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I loved it, anyone else? If you dont consider it to be jetra, thats fine, but do you think it was cute anyways?
Yeah, that scene almost had me crying
It was...Beautiful!
I was literally saying JETRA, JETRA, JETRA!
I know that as your feelings for someone grow stronger so does your fear of losing them and when Petra cried because she is scared of losing Jesse, I smiled.
Romance at its finest. Well done Telltale.
I loved it so much! Best Petra moment ever!
i don’t really like the ship, but THAT my friends, was the best scene in the game so far.
What a episode for Jetra lovers!
wasn't really a jetra moment tbh lol
I'm going to be honest here... I wasn't expecting a scene like that, I mean, so powerful, I'm speechless. Of course I knew there would be some Jetra moments but not THIS. I couldn't believe that was Petra, telling her feelings, afraid of losing Jesse, telling he means a lot to her, CRYING! Petra... crying???? She would be the last character I thought would cry! Even more because of Jesse, the guy who she treated like a nerd all the time back in season 1! I was like "is this actually happening?". Then they hugged and I fell off the chair XD
I'm still wondering what does the "your story is changing" warning that appeared at that moment means. I hope a huge Jetra moment in episode 5. That's all I wanted to say about the best scene of the episode, so beautiful. (This and Ivor scenes are my favs)
Um.. I.. was on the brink of tears. xD
IKR I can't believe Petra actually.... cried.. Man that's GOT to be the best Jetra moment yet. That was definitely my favorite part of the whole episode.
Finally a real Jetra scene and it was sooooo good and emotionally charged.
Also.. I COULD go find every word in the dictionary that means amazing and that could explain to you how much I loved that moment but... I'm not going to XD
Okay.. I never cry in story mode.. (I kinda did when Reuben died) but the moment with Petra just made me want to burst into tears.
Anyone want to explain to me why? Why was it so emotional? XD
Because dealing with change and the uncertainty of the future is something that everyone faces, making most people sympathize with her. We've all been in Petra's position and needed a friend like Jesse to stand by our side.
Tbh I already gave up on Jetra, so I was quite surprised when this happened. I already noticed that she was acting kinda strange, when we entered the house and guessed that she would say something about leaving. But that something like this emotional would happen, Petra opening up so much, talking directly about her feelings for Jesse that actually ARE describing love... I wasn't crying, but just sat there speechless and smilling like a dork.
The only thing that usually moves me to tears is death, so we'll see how this affects me if at all.
I did, partly because I ship Jetra in my playthrough, in an actual love way. But I didn’t cry, I just felt sort of happy, the kind of happy one doesn’t get to feel very often.
#nojetra, but this was sooooo cute!
Now I understand why most of people ship Jetra
And I love the scene, it made me crying a little bit
It felt halfway between forced romance and genuine something-or-other. I'm not sure what to consider or even if I like it, but I hope we get something similar for other characters.
I didn't feel it jetrish (Yes, I made it up), but MAN!, that was so emotional!!
Hands down, my favorite scene in MCSM so far! I loved it!
The scene had me crying a little. Jetra will live forever.
I actually hate it, in my opinion, it was so bad and ugly.(and it wasn't jetra)
You hate everything related to Jetra so it isn't surprising lol I won't even argue with you because it's useless (just like your comment)
Wow, rude, I just said my opinion...
Without an argument so It's kinda like you just want an reaktion rather than a conversation.
What? no!
I liked the scene.
i really like the scene and can't help but get flahsbacks to The Last of Us Left Behind DLC.
Although, still doesn't beat giving Petra the silent treatment in episode 2.
It broke my heart and toyed with my feelings in the best way possible.
As soon as I heard Petra cry, I knew that scene was going to be a heart-wrencher...
And all of the dialogue between her and Jesse... Oh man...
I was on the verge of crying, fanboying and smiling all at the same time.
And when they hugged, I immediately lost the plot and squealed like a fangirl.
Best part of the whole episode for me.
Now I'm practically begging for the motherload of all Jetra moments in the finale.
"it was so bad and ugly.(and it wasn't jetra)"

Does anybody know what happens if you stay silent when you get the big choice to stay or wait? Cause in the choice section it says that 0.7% of people stayed silent, so I'm guessing that's a valid option
That moment.. was BEAUTIFUL.
Idk. I've been wondering what happens too. I guess I'm just going to have to wait for a "What if you do nothing" video on YouTube.
Once someone makes one of course...
Jesse will look away, and Petra will be disappointed seeing as Jesse doesn't feel the same way.