Gared's sister? Out of curiousity...
I'm new to this forum, so I don't know if this has been asked before. But what model did they use for Gared's dead sister? (whom you only see partially) I assume it would be like a shrunken down version of Talia or something. They didn't give her anything unique did they? It tends to happen, even when it's a character you never meant to see.
I mean, I assume re-use is why they didn't actually fully show her. I don't think they have a problem showing dead kids, they sure showed Ethan dying graphically.
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I mean they just show a pair of legs.
With a dress, there must be a full body. They've done plenty of model re-uses in other games.
Unless you think they actually modeled legs and nothing else. That would be disturbing, but still worth seeing for the amusement factor. A character model missing everything from the torso up.
Actually what if they just modeled a wooden log with a dress and legs with a spear shoved in the back? That would be hilarious to see just walking around.
Yeah they were quite lazy with that moment of the game,as fans we can only image Gared's face on a young girl's body ?
Been in the files, it's a retextured version of Talia's lower body. It's just an object model, too, not a character model, so we can't replace other characters with it without glitches.
Maybe Telltale was squeamish about showing a dead little girl at that point. As of Walking Dead season 3 though, they definitely aren't. I just wish his relationship with her was brought up. She's really only directly mentioned twice after that scene. Even with Sylvi, Gared would have had a good chance to mention he had his own sister but nope. Gaps in writing, if you ask me.
That's probably less scary than it sounds. I mean Gwynn clearly has Gryff's face but she's not totally ugly.
I knew it. But what you do mean, just her lower body? It's a severed torso? I mean, if it's not too much trouble, could you post a picture?
Ask and ye shall receive:

Interestingly the file is called something like "hanged bodies B" when it's a corpse that lies on the ground. I distinctly recall some concept art with corpses hanging from a tree at Gared's farm; guess that was planned to still happen right up until the wire.
Here's the concept art ~
Buah That reminds me a lot of the intro of Berserk(1997),resembling the death of Guts' family,quite amusing if you ask me ?
Damn. Even the way it is, it's kinda gruesome.
So there's really no top to it? Well, thanks for showing me.
Well, that's creepy. I thought the game was dark, but this? Hardcore. look at Gared's reaction there in the first picture. Guess that would mean no last words to any family members. And I did think it was a bit weird it was just his father and sister on the farm. I wonder how the context differs in the preliminary stages of this scene, was there even still a fight scene here?
And if they never modelled a top for his sister, I wonder how that would work for a hanging body? And did the files have any other hanged bodies?
I'd very much like to see a collection of GOT concept art, if anyone has one. I wonder what other scenes were changed now. Thanks again for all of you being so informative.
I posted a bunch of concept art I found on my blog a while back, if you're still interested!
No other hanged bodies in the models - and I think they must've originally had different models but edited it when her method of death was changed.
Thanks, both of you.
Where did you get those, though? You don't work for Telltale?
Reminds me of Braveheart
I like the game a lot, but it feels smaller now when you compare it to the concept art.
If I remember correctly, one of the concept artists uploaded them to their portfolio online a few years back. I think I remember that they deleted them soon after, though. I'll have a look around and see if I can find them.
Well, there's a bunch of scenery concept art right on the home page of this artists website ~
And, I haven't actually seen that concept art for the North Grove before.. so it must have been uploaded somewhat recently.
The concept art with Gared and the tree reminds of a scene from The Witcher. I think Gared might be the main character in the game series similar to Jon Snow. I would love to see Gared Tuttle become the ultimate badass while still remaining humble and polite in Season 2. I always play Gared as an honorable character.
He certainly does have the most screen-time in the game, and a lot of people seem to think of him as the "main character" too, so that'd make sense. I guess it's all about personal preference, but if I had to choose one character to survive regardless, it would 100% be Gared. I really want to see how he develops in Season 2.. whenever that's a thing.
Since season 1 starts out with Gared, he takes the feel of main character, but after a while it's obviously Asher or Rodrik. Gared does jack shit by the end.
But for season 2, Gared as the main protagonist is a no brainer. They'll probably stop doing the split-characters thing and just focus on him, at least with the characters from season 1 since they're all optional. Beshka is a decent possibility as well.
They deleted it? Why do they always do this
I think Telltale handled their main characters a little strangely from time to time. In Episode 5 they seemed to forget Gared existed and just tossed in a small story for him, while in another episode he may have a massive chunk of the story. Maybe it was meant that way, but it left it feeling a little unbalanced now and then.
I suppose it's possible Telltale asked them to remove their concept art. Maybe they have to request permission first before sharing art from one of their games?
I can't see why anyone would care unless they thought people would be more impressed by the art than the final product.
I'm not sure why they would either. The only thing I can think of is maybe the art included scrapped or yet-to-be-used ideas. Or maybe the concept artist didn't think it was their best work.
Oh, silly artists. Some things never change.
The concept of Gared's family and friends hanging from the tree reminds me of the opening sequence of Berserk(1997),what happened to Guts family on the anime/manga.
I believe it was this one:(
you know, that does not look like an eight year old.