Batman: EW Episode 4 Waiting Thread - Releasing Jan 23rd, Trailer Out Now
Release Date
- January 23rd
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January 9th
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I'm so exited for this episode
Just finshed ep 3 and loved it the scecen with john showing his true joker creeped me out some really tough choices like jeez you can make bruce a big asshole in this episode.
If the previous episode release dates are anything to go by, we should get Episode 4 on either January 9th or 16th. Personally, I hope they go for 16th or later, seeing as how Telltale took a bit longer with EP3, and it has certainly paid off -- the episode felt quite polished.
After such an bar-setting episode 3 I'm going to wait for the next one very peacefully. It's alright Telltale you have the right to disappoint.
I'm so happy about the way characters have been handled thus far, it's almost too good to be true. I'm sure there are surprises (good....or bad) in store for us but I want to believe.
So yeah, take the time you want Telltale. No rush.
We all know it will come out in January but hey we get mine craft soon
3 was the best episode yet for both Batman games, really strong on the relationship between Bruce and Selina especially.
Really awesome work from the TellTale staff and writers on episode 3! The choices were important and some of them varied depending on what you did in season 1. Also one of my favorite moments in the episode besides rekindling the romance with Catwoman was teaching John Doe how to use a batarang it was funny and easily one of the most memorable moments of the episode. I finished the episode twice to see how the different choices matter and guess what they really did matter. I am really enjoying this Batman series and hope that many more seasons come from this series. I just want to congratulate the TellTale staff on how awesome the episode was and how they handled this episode it had no bugs or glitches and was really cool to show a bit more of the underworld in Gotham City, also as a gamer I think this game really delivered an experience worth playing.
Well I enjoyed all their games from The Walking Dead Season 1 to Batman: The Enemy Within. Minecraft Story Mode is also a game I am enjoying. If we want a good game like we have so far we should allow them to take their time on the game and give us the best possible game they can make.
What do you guys expect from episode 4? Since if you give yourself up at the end of 3 you will probably not meet most of the pact as Bruce again, but as Batman I expect that at the very least Bane and Freeze will be defeated by episode 4. I am not sure what to expect of the Lotus guys, but at this point introducing new characters probably isn't such a great idea, but I will see how they handle it. Would be fun if they had 1 super villain that could go toe to toe with the pact and then suddenly Batman shows up and it's an all-out brawl or something.
So,i finished the episode twice and so far i love the episode 3. BTW the choices were great and in the rekindle the romance with Catwoman? I didn't rekindle our pervious romance from Season 1. Because one i didn't want that romance at all in Season 2.I did it in S1 but this season at all. I just said to that we can be friends than be romantic and she took it well and talk to her in the Batcave and the last choice I gave up myself in this episode 3.
So i don't know want to expect in episode 4 or who will save us based on that decision i did. So I think we will get the episode 4 in January.
I'm so scared for this next episode. So fucking scared, but damn excited to get my just deserts. Enemy Within is shaping to be Telltale's best series since Borderlands.
I need episode 4 like an addict needs his crack.
I love this game so much! I got so many conflicting emotions this episode. Can't wait to see what happens next!
That makes two of us, bro.
I think that if Bruce is put into the ice chamber than Tiffany or Waller will free Bruce and he will have to go stop the pact as Batman. Then maybe there will be a fight against Bane and Freeze. Harley and John will probably disappear as it seems that Harley and John cannot stand Bane and Freeze. Also if Catwoman is put into Riddler's box she might lose her arm because her arm was frozen solid and perhaps it may shatter and Tiffany may be able to make a robotic arm for her. This is all speculation of course but its fun to guess how episode 4 will start.
I cannot wait for Episode 4 this game is so much fun and epic that it is insane how much I love this story. I hope that TellTale will release episode 4 in mid or late December!
If you took the blame for Catwoman, I wonder how Bruce can get out of that freezing capsule. My guess, Mr. Freeze sabotaged it for a reason. If we gained his trust, it could be because that Bruce promised him to help Nora. If we didn't gain his trust, Victor's reason for sabotaging Bruce's execution is that he needs him to gain access to Wayne Tech.
I'm hoping that we'll see Nora' frozen body in this episode.
That's a cool theory, there was a twitter post saying that Freeze will have a critical role in this game, this might be it.
I just hope that there is a love scene in the batcave with our kitty in the next episode and who knows, maybe we will be able to propose her, I hope that nothing bad is going to happen
To be honest, when I got the option on the helipad to invite Selina to the batcave, I thought at first "oh boooy, they will definitely going to have some fun in the bat's home, hehehe... and right when things were getting hotter and our Brucie was about to get laid again with our cat, suddenly Alfred appears from nowhere "OHHHH HELLO MISS KYLE, HOW ARE YOU DOING? DO YOU WANT SOME TEA ?" Smh. I was literally cringing so hard at that moment >.< .
I would love that! Great idea. The wait for next episode is already agonizing lol.
I really enjoyed episode 3 a ton. Episode 2 was more in the middle, but 201 and 203 are really standouts, and I hope 204 continues the good momentum set by the other episodes.
This is already a much better story from the last season, and the characters all work well together. It also looks as, though, things are going to get much better after the unveiling of another kind of threat, and a partnership that could see the season go out with a bang. In Episode 3: Fractured Mask, Telltale Games has shown improvement in the areas where they lacked recently, even developing stronger relationships with certain main characters. This was Telltale's best episode in a while. Bring on the fourth episode!
So this may be completely out there and crazy, but it's just a thought. Do you think it's possible that Riddler is Selina's father or something? I just got the idea that there's more to her relationship with Enigma than she's letting on.
Yeah ! I share your thought as well ! Maybe he was some sort of mentor for her or something similar ! The waiting for episode 4 is killing me... I want to know what kind of relation was between Nigma and Selina and I want to marry her :~)
I would not rule it out, it's quite obvious he was more to her than just a contact.
I hope nope
I greatly enjoyed Episode 3, I am looking forward for Episode 4.
Considering that many of the current relationship stats rely heavily on the ratting out the mole (Harley, John, Catwoman, Waller) I'm really betting that the final Episode 3 choice is going to change how the Lotus raid will play out. Either being dragged along by the Pact, stopping any casualties and trying to retain whatever information you can, or going rogue from the Agency, becoming Batman and trying to stop them from escaping. The relationships are easier to balance right now for the major players in the plot, so I think that Telltale is going to have quite a lot of work put into that one big chunk, instead of smaller ones.
Waiting game starts!! Next release on Christmas i think
Too soon, more likely 16th or 23rd of January
Christmas treat..
Dream on. It's very likely a mid-January release at the earliest and I'm fine with that.
I need to prepare myself for an episode not quite as good as episode 3. What stellar work.
Should we be worried that Avesta is not what she appears? Unless she planted a bug in Bruce's office in episode 1, there are rumors on TV Tropes that she could be Talia Al Ghul. Mostly because of what her name means.
Nothing will happen at or near christmas as staff will be off work spending time with their families, i also think it will take slightly longer after that too as staff being off during the christmas and new year period will slow down production slightly.
I think youre totally right. Also they share the same eye color. Both green.
Didn't one episode of McSM S1 come out on December 22nd?
Oh, i completely forgot about that.
I guess it could be a possibility that we get ep 4 before christmas, the latest i could see it releasing is December 19th otherwise it could be mid to late January.
Dunno if i'm a slowpoke or not, but ep4 was uploaded to steam database already, so maybe it'll be good to update News section?
Most likely a test branch. I would not read anything into it.
The updates on the Steam database are partly testing and are also what will be the final version, if you keep watching you will often see updates like in the screenshot below.
Often you will see these encrypted updates which is the episode 4 files getting updated once they push a new update through during production and they will eventually be decrypted not long before the episode releases. At one point there was no encryption so you could see how big the updates where and try and guess what could be happening and it would often freak people out if the file size was too small or suddenly went from a large size to a small size.