So, what happened to the people in Champion City?

Maybe I missed some dialogue like everyone in Champion City escaped or the whole city was abandoned, but so far in what I've seen, Romeo blowing up the entire city would have involved quite a lot of deaths.
I know people in the game are though to kill, since they can fall from the sky in S1 and be alright, but I find it hard to believe they can survive a giant explosion.
The reactions of everyone, specially Stella doesn't help at all, they were very shocked, and they wouldn't react like that to just some blocks blowing up, specially not when they can just press Q repeatedly and they'll buy it in a few minutes.
Champion City wasn't really mentioned much after that, and Stella was so casual about returning there, I don't think even she would be like that if a lot of people died, but I would understand Telltale avoiding the topic since they won't keep mentioning some mass murderer in a game that kids play too.
So, what happened? Was there any mention of the people in Champion City just leaving? or Romeo really did kill hundred of people?
It's not known how populated Champion City was at the time Romeo blew it up. We know there were residents in Beacontown. During the search for Stella, we come across at least one who is confirmed to be from Champion City.
I think Telltale can easily dodge around the potential death count by using Jesse Con: we know Romeo wanted it to be as big as possible and he mentions that attending was mandatory. It would be far from out of character for him to demand that everybody in Champion City cpme help and attend as well.
I'd say it has been left up to the individual player's interpretation so far.
Stirpe mentioned on his Tumblr that he meant to write a scene where all the Champion City residents got poofed over to Beacontown. They were unharmed, but homeless. Unfortunately, this scene proved far too expensive for their VFX budget, so they couldn't include it. But it seems like the canon is that they were unharmed, and helped rebuilt their city after Romeo's fall.
If it wasn't for the budget cuts, season 2 would have had a lot more great stuff to it.?
Yeah budget cuts are annoying..
Right, if it wasn't for the budget cuts we would have seen Harper, Em, and maybe even Lizzie/ Dan on season 2.?
And don’t forgot the Warden was supposed to have an assistant named Sonar.
Oops yeah, I always forget about that one.
I assume that the Admin must’ve killed a fair amount of people
Sure some might have been in beacon town or outside champion city but there would’ve had to have been people or even animals like the puppies in champion city
It’s pretty messed up when you think about it