Here we discuss what we think is gonna happen to Jetra
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Here we discuss what we think is gonna happen to Jetra
Yes, I loved it. Male Jesse and Petra will be together forever. Sure, right now there just friends. But, now their going on an adventure with just the two of them. How romantic.?
When Petra said "Back in the Admin's cabin I know you promised we'd always stick together. But, the invite's still open if you want it. No pressure" I was like
That line didn't make sense.
"Back in the Admin's cabin I know you promised we'd always stick together. But, the invite's still open if you want it. No pressure"
But the invite's still open? Why would you have to say the invite is still open when I already accepted it last episode? That line would only make sense if I had turned her down the first time.
ikr lol
Well the circumstances changed quit alot. Beacontown was "Jessetown" or aka Romeotown so It's not that weird when you think about it. He is kinda the major.
However one thing I thought was weird was that Jesse left with Petra without any items. Like bruh, cmon.
this entire section is making me cringe so hard.
I haven’t seen the Jetta ending (because I play as female Jessie, and I think that endings only for male Jessie -correct me if I’m wrong) but it sOUNDS AMAZING I SHIP JETTRA SO MUCH
Why do you call her Jetra? Did I miss something?
Jetra is the portmanteau word for the Jesse and Petra ship. To put simply, their names are combined to create a name for the ship.
I am a giant Jetra fan, but my Jesse is female and yet they are still in love. Also, female Jesse can love Petra. I don’t care. (Also I seriously just like them as a couple. I hope there is a season 3.) also I KNOW that my username is an Overwatch lesbian ship. I know.
Well to be honest, I don't think they would do a female and female relationship since it's a kids games, I would imagine they might be slightly different like the fallout games
I only ship them as best friends- no matter where, no matter when, no matter what... it makes sense to me this way... the ending was incredible and it made me cry a little
about the last choice: I couldn't leave her, EVER, not after everything she told Jesse in the cabin!
i mean they aren't fit to be a couple, they didn't even think about romance yet and Jetra just looks disgusting anyways.
Speak for yourself. Jetra doesn't look disgusting. The only thing disgusting here is you because you can't respect the ship and people that like Jetra.
uh, it actually does. And this is coming from a person who barely knows me outside of the Jetra threads. I'm usually pretty okay when i'm not disagreeing with someone. And plus, this Jetra stuff has been going on for a year. So i can't state my opinions on Jetra and the people who like it? This is 2017.....
I think this thread is supposed to be for Jetra fans. Not Jetra haters.
Exactly. The title says (ONLY JETRA FANS) to avoid discussions.
Honestly don't care. Gotta spread the word somehow.
Did you say they did that to avoid discussions? This entire thread is a discussion, which means she should tell a mod to delete this.
Seriously dude it's fine if you don't like Jetra. But, you can't get mad and try to start an argument, just because other people disagree with you.
Just get are here and be happy in another thread
If you don't like the thread please just ignore it and refrain from harassing users who do enjoy it.
Forum Guidelines
This scene was kind of emotional.....
.....Leaving everyone...........................
Anyone thinks the heart in the background is foreshadowing? Telltale! This teasing is more then I can handle
You better take responsibility.
Good One, I felt like that too
That has more to do with Stampy Cat's love garden that he has in his Youtube Minecraft videos.
Nonono Telltale knows exactly what they are doing here. It's no coincidence that they chose that particuarly angel at that particuarly spot when they just happen to have a deep conversation.
Teasing! Like ugh...I love it and hate it at the same time xD
That is framed into the scene....... that's not foreshadowing....
Technically, almost anything could be called potential foreshadowing. That piece of cobblestone in the picture looks pretty menacing. Someone could trip over it and break their leg next season. In most cases(especially with video games), a writer will look back and decide to use something even though it wasn't planned. Unintentional foreshadowing is more prevalent, but we'd never know, so why not go for it.
Only Jetra fans understands
Can someone tell me what happens if u go with Petra
I stayed with beacontown becuase it seemed like Letra kinda needed to find her calling like the rest of the group and having Jesse there would ruin the experience
Jesse runs after Petra and tells her to slow down, Petra turns around and smiles when she realizes Jesse didn't stay behind and invites Jesse to have a race with her.
Then they run towards the ruins of Champion City together (Champion City being destroyed is determinate)
It's a much better ending than staying with Beacontown in my opinion.
Hmm ok, everyone here hyped it up so much I thought it started a relationship or something.
Still prefer my beacontown ending
Well.. no it wasn't exactly them starting a relationship or anything but you should watch that ending to see what we all mean, they just look really happy to be with each other if you pick that choice.
To heck with romance! Beacontown NEEDS A LEADER! You saw what happened when Jesse stepped away for one minute. The admin wrecked literally everything.
I totally agree!
But the admin wrecked everything because of Jesse.
Radar is the perfect leader in my opinion