Freeze [Episode 4 spoilers]

Felt wasted to be honest. He's infected with he virus and Nora can't be cured. Did not have enough screentime. Thoughts?


  • They totally wasted his potential, I want to think it was because they have so many villains and they don't know how to handle them all, but Season 1 had Two Faces, Penguin, Falcone, the giant Zombie guy, Zsasz, Hill and Lady Arkham and they did just fine.

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator

    I felt like Freeze was a third-wheel/cameo villain in this. Harley, John-- and to a lesser degree, Bane-- felt like the main bad guys of the season. Freeze was more the tag-along who just helped round out the cast. Kind of like Blockbuster in the first game (hey, at least people will remember that Freeze was actually a character in this). But yeah, they definitely could have done more with him. Same with Bane, as well. But who knows, maybe something will still happen with him in episode 5.

    But I suppose some of the characters have to be put to the side in order to focus more on others. The drawback to a franchise with a giant gallery of bad guys to choose from, right? I mean, let's be honest, S2 has felt like it's Bruce and John's story more than anything else. Partly Harley and Waller too, I suppose. I mean heck, look at the season's name; The Enemy Within. What two characters in this does that name apply to more than anyone else? Bruce and John.

  • Fair enough. Still think a least a teeny bit more coulda been done as you said . Also did you like this episode amd what do you think of the 'vigilante' ending?

    Deltino posted: »


  • I've been wanting to help Freeze with his wife so I kinda felt disappointed. I would like him to be an ally and use his tech, but I would want to help cure his wife

  • Same

    SilentmanX posted: »

    I've been wanting to help Freeze with his wife so I kinda felt disappointed. I would like him to be an ally and use his tech, but I would want to help cure his wife

  • My only hope for Freeze at this point is that there is a s3 and that our choice results in either a) a superpowers yet grateful Freeze or b) a weakened yet vengeful Freeze.

  • I mean, we did have the choice to lower the temperature, and its the ONLY choice to show up other than trusting John or not (although this episode felt kinda weak in both character interaction and choices), I expect something will happen with Freeze in episode 5 (hopefully)

  • He got more screentime than in the previous episodes and "that" scene really made me feel for him. He'll be back, I'm sure.

  • I'm positive he will be back, after all the choice of whether or not you lowered the temperature seems important "Freeze won't forget that".

    It's not impossible he returns the favor in episode 5. We could always use more help but then he can be very easily manipulated by any party. All you have to do is dangling Nora's life in front of him.

    HexIgon posted: »

    He got more screentime than in the previous episodes and "that" scene really made me feel for him. He'll be back, I'm sure.

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