Rate the episode(4)- Amazing climax or short underwhelming filler?

To me I liked the episode beggining and the 2 endings are great though feel like it was a bit too short and some characters needed more screentime. i.e Catwoman,Gordan,Tiffany,Freeze(ish). I understand that this is supposed to be "Joker's" episode but I think more coulda been done. I'd say a this episode is a solid 7.5/10.


  • edited January 2018

    I agree i miss Cats and Gordon much much.
    This isnt about quality of episode, but i think 90% players end with Joker being vigilante and i dont like that ending at all, and nobody play Bruce Wayne and Batman how it should be ( i guess they no Comic book fans so much as i am)(and i know this is free-choice game but its wrong). For Joker as villain 9/10, for Joker as Vigilante 4/10.

  • "and nobody play Bruce Wayne and Batman how it should be" I do, at least I am trying to do so, and I Highly doubt it that 90% of players get the Vigillanty endindg, I think it's more like 50/50%

    MareCZV posted: »

    I agree i miss Cats and Gordon much much. This isnt about quality of episode, but i think 90% players end with Joker being vigilante and i

  • Bro every damn Youtuber end with vigilante. I think u are in this 10% with me.

    JmoooX posted: »

    "and nobody play Bruce Wayne and Batman how it should be" I do, at least I am trying to do so, and I Highly doubt it that 90% of players get the Vigillanty endindg, I think it's more like 50/50%

  • Well that's the point. There are free choices as you said for a reason. I personally am intrigued by the vigilante ending.

    MareCZV posted: »

    I agree i miss Cats and Gordon much much. This isnt about quality of episode, but i think 90% players end with Joker being vigilante and i

  • The length made it incredibly underwhelming. It was the penultimate episode and while the content was good, it felt incredibly rushed. There could have easily been more content but at this point it feels like they just want to wrap up the season as fast as possible.

  • Honstely the whole episode just felt like it was made to turn john into who he is it was the only major thing that happend i did enjoy but it just felt like a short filler for ep 5 i really hope ep 5 is longer and major.

  • What bothers me is that we waited two months for such an underwhelming episode, and now we have to wait another two months for the finale. I guess I just had too high expectations after the bar-setting Episode 3.

  • Agreed. I was so excited and intrigued for the next episode. Beginning of this episode was actually good. Shame the quality deteriorated due to the length.

    Putinovich posted: »

    What bothers me is that we waited two months for such an underwhelming episode, and now we have to wait another two months for the finale. I guess I just had too high expectations after the bar-setting Episode 3.

  • The finale better be worth it though.

  • Kinda sad if they just want to wrap it up. This had big potential to be their best game.

    The length made it incredibly underwhelming. It was the penultimate episode and while the content was good, it felt incredibly rushed. There

  • Let's just hope to god there is a s3 and that it comes as quickly as s2 did

    Dan10 posted: »

    Kinda sad if they just want to wrap it up. This had big potential to be their best game.

  • Are you complaining about other people getting different endings than you? Really? Besides, youtubers don't represent all the players.

    And everyone who is complaining about the episode's lenght, should remember that this one has an insane amount of variations and different scenes depending on your choices.

    It is shorter because all of the changes that can occur. Hell, the beginning and ending can be both a lot different.

    It is not like episode 3, wich was always the same with just some small differences in dialogues. You have to give to Telltale that they actually made an effort to make choices meaningful at this one, unlike the previous one, whose most important fault was this aspect.

    MareCZV posted: »

    I agree i miss Cats and Gordon much much. This isnt about quality of episode, but i think 90% players end with Joker being vigilante and i

  • Whats your problem bro,are you angry? i just said some facts i am not complaining to anything. And we waited 2 months for 75 minutes?! this is like Justice League Movie, is really good but everyone want to see extended cut, and everyone think is short.

    DOBLEDEDO posted: »

    Are you complaining about other people getting different endings than you? Really? Besides, youtubers don't represent all the players. An

  • You are not stating facts, you are complaining about people making "wrong" choices based on your personal opinions.

    MareCZV posted: »

    Whats your problem bro,are you angry? i just said some facts i am not complaining to anything. And we waited 2 months for 75 minutes?! this

  • You are wrong
    I said "i think" not "i hate how 90% players...."
    I will not quarrel with you about your misunderstanding.

    DOBLEDEDO posted: »

    You are not stating facts, you are complaining about people making "wrong" choices based on your personal opinions.

  • The episode is too short and crams in too much and leaves out things that would have been better than what was crammed in.

    My main problem is Johns transformation into Joker is really badly done. He showed no "real" signs into his transformation into something darker until we see he built some type of "Joker hideout" where he apparently killed a bunch of people. Not to mention getting the ending where John takes Harley down making even less sense. Waller is going to just shoot John for not handing the virus over? What? He's going to fall over and drop the virus and have it spread? I felt like that part was poorly done and felt like fucking Walking Dead Michonne type of writing where something that shouldnt have happened, happens because plot

  • "It is not like episode 3, wich was always the same with just some small differences in dialogues"

    Ok, now, that's not entirely true, the 3rd episode also had variations, e.g. You could either get the laptop from Selina or team up with John, and You get two totally different scenes depending on Your choice.

    DOBLEDEDO posted: »

    Are you complaining about other people getting different endings than you? Really? Besides, youtubers don't represent all the players. An

  • Disappointed with the lack of Selina, and the episode seemed awfully short, with not very much character interaction compared to boring walking sequences.

    little to no Selina this episode is fine as not everyone likes her, as long as they dont forget about her, she still needs to know what happened to Riddler, and they still need to conclude the Romance subplot (heres hoping she does not run away this time if you ask her to stay)

  • To be honest I don't think that He has built the hideout, I think that He just used some "haunted house" in an exisiting amusement park as one.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    The episode is too short and crams in too much and leaves out things that would have been better than what was crammed in. My main proble

  • I was referring to past choices, wich didn't change anything at all.

    JmoooX posted: »

    "It is not like episode 3, wich was always the same with just some small differences in dialogues" Ok, now, that's not entirely true, the

  • edited January 2018

    I thought it was kind of crap to be honest. Felt like it needed to be an hour longer to juggle so many characters and subplots because this episode just flat out forgets that Catwoman and Gordon are still around. The plot itself is kind of boring, the stakes don’t feel very high, Bane and Freeze are wasted, the action scenes weren’t the best, and I’m not real sure anything interesting or important happened in this episode aside from John becoming Joker which felt rushed.

    God, I miss Tales.

  • edited January 2018

    I really enjoyed it. I love how different the two openers are and how I didn't even once have a scene with Batman. This is how Penultimate episodes should be. Instead of one siding between intensity and character development. Telltale stroke the perfect balance in 80 mins and they didn't really need anymore than that. Also I'm very happy how John turned out for me despite being pretty horrified. God this season has been amazing. 9/10

  • I don't mind the length, so far all the other episodes have been long so one short one isn't really such a problem to me. And the fact that I loved every second of it doesn't make me any less concerned about the quality of the game. Bane was the only character I felt was underused though when you've got so many villains, it's something unavoidable. The choices are way tougher and matter a helluva lot more than in any other TT game and guess what? People are still upset about length over anything else. Like if that's the only thing that matters. Looking forward to an amazing finale with my boy John helping me clean up the cesspool that is Gotham. 9/10.

  • This was a good episod, not great. Bane and Freze were wasted. Would like to see more Selina but I guess we will se her next episode.
    John was the best part of the episode, he is one of my favorite Telltale characters of all time. 8/10
    People here take the length way too serious.

  • It felt a bit underwhelming. Certainly not as good as 202 or 203. I really wanted more of Selina and I hope she gets a lot of screentime in the finale. John's development through the episode was cool. I was actually surprised to see him come through in the ending. But it was very, very short and that frustrated me a little. Overall though I enjoyed and I dread the wait for the finale, but I have Guardians to finish until then. Here's hoping for a Season 3!

  • It was short for a reason (multiple scenes for different decisions). Episode itself was good imo.

  • I am going to rank it as rising action rather than climax because it feels like it's building to something bigger. I agree that Catwoman wasn't in the episode a lot but that was because there wasn't much she would've added to this episode other than helping you fight. This episode focused more on John and Harley rather than the other characters. I think that the season finale will be absolutely amazing so far TellTale has not disappointed me with the Batman Series because our choices actually matter and the story is great!

  • I hope Episode 5 is as long as Episode One and has an all out battle against John, similar to the battle with Riddler.

  • I feel like I am being harsh but yeah the episode length was short. However I think the content in Episode 4 will lead to a satisfying Episode 5.

    The length made it incredibly underwhelming. It was the penultimate episode and while the content was good, it felt incredibly rushed. There

  • I also felt underwhelmed with this episode, having played it only once. I liked the interactions with John and Selina from episode three and this episode had none of that. I really was expecting Harley to go after Tiffany if we had given ourself up as Bruce and to have to rescue Tiffany or Alfred. Alfred being sick and avoiding the doctors for the reason he's on the floor felt a little cheap, unless they are going to carry that on into season three or if they find something and are tempted to use the serum for this season. However, if the serum does make a person crazy I don't think I'd be very tempted to use it. So, don't know what's going on with Alfred lying on the floor like that.
    Bane was completely poorly used; a goon we actually learned the name of but not worthy of being a villain. Freeze wasn't much better. I guess they felt that the combination of Harley and John wouldn't be enough to carry a whole season and added Bane and Freeze for bulk.

  • I really liked it. Loved it, would be better then. 9-9.5 for me.

    Revelations about Riddler, the serum, some great tailored content all the way thoughout the episode. Choices are remembered, dialogues choices are brought up even more frequently, and this delivers on Telltale's motto.
    There's this really foreboding sense of chaos looming over everything, and while John's transformation into the Joker feels a bit sudden, he's not a stable guy to begin with. He could have been this way for a while. He's a dangerous sociopath, and we've seen that for a long while. This is just him giving in to those voices he's been told to supress. Or maybe it's not and he's got more of a Dissociative identity/Multiple Personality Disorder going on.
    There's still the question of how and for how long he knew of Bruce being Batman, but I hope we can all find a solution to that soon.

    The tailored content makes up for the rapid pace of the episode, but it still would have been nice for a bit more downtime or slow crawl up the climax. Bruce just can't catch a break. (Was going to say Batman, but then realised I hadn't had a single scene with him in this episode! Ha!)
    Here's hoping Episode 5 rivals what Episode 1 started us out with. A good long episode, plenty of plotlines to juggle, and holes to seal up.

  • edited January 2018

    Really enjoyed it but I do think that it is the weakest episode plot-wise but the best episode choice-wise. I thought Johns transformation was really well done and his reaction to Bruce's betrayal made me feel really bad (I thought it was great that depending on how you treat him, he still considers you a friend). I also really enjoyed Avesta's involvement in the episode and all the Alfred and Tiffany stuff. There's also quite a few determinant scenes and choices from previous episodes play a good part in the episode.

    However, the Pacts resolution felt rushed and underwhelming and it's weird that Selina just disappears. The animation in the episode also wasn't as good as previous episodes in my opinion, especially the last segment on the bridge.

    Really excited to see what happens next!

  • The point of telltale is to play the game how you want. People are playing Bruce/Batman exactly as they should. But I got both a villain and vigilante end and I honestly liked the vigilante ending a tad bit better. But, both were good 8/10 for me. Would have been higher but it seemed really short and Gordon wasn't in it.

    MareCZV posted: »

    I agree i miss Cats and Gordon much much. This isnt about quality of episode, but i think 90% players end with Joker being vigilante and i

  • Regarding John knowing about Batman's identity; I believe that he suspected it in Season 1 (as we could see by the way he talked to Bruce in Arkham), but it's not until he's been able to spend so much time with him as he has in Season 2 that he confirmed his suspicions.

    AChicken posted: »

    I really liked it. Loved it, would be better then. 9-9.5 for me. Revelations about Riddler, the serum, some great tailored content all th

  • Its a good episode, like a lot of people already said it is quite short. I missed Gordon in the episode and would love to see more from Selina and Bruce together... hopefully we will get it in ep5.

    Avesta was good, John was interesting. I did not mind that we solved the issue with Bane and Freeze so quickly.
    Will be entertaining to see where it all will ends and how John will go down...
    I would say the episode is about as good as episode one, even a bit better then that.


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