John became __________

Why was there nothing shown here? The relationships was left blank. Also why did I only get 2 major choices shown during the credits?


  • If you look at the shadow you can see a faint suit
    and as for 2 choices im confused to haha

  • I saw the weird suit but John didn t become that in my playthrough. Ffs Telltale

  • That's because there are only 2 choices in this episode.

  • "Jesus are you fucking kidding me?"


    Kaelthas posted: »

    That's because there are only 2 choices in this episode.

  • There are actually more, but they are different based on both your past choices and how you handle certain dialogues in this episode.

    I guess they didn't include others because it was too complicated to show stadistics if they weren't simple, binary ones.

    For example, you can choose wheter to reveal or not your identity to Tiffany in this episode, but that will only happen if you weren't honest in the previous one. So that choice would only appear to a handful of players.

    "Jesus are you fucking kidding me?" -Winston

  • I thought the two choices was a bug lol. Weird, considering there are far more important choices that don't get shown at the end.

  • Weird that they only decided on two major choices, but I guess its better than padding it out with ones that do nothing in the long run.

  • The leading John Doe to a path of a vilgante will give you shadowed figure of John Doe or joker wearing a suit that looks like the injustice joker. Set down John Doe a path of a villain will give you a shadowed figure of John Doe wearing suit that looks like suicide squad joker.

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