Appreciation for Episode 4; thanks, TT!

I just really wanted to express how thankful I am about how good this season has been thus far. I hope I'm not jinxing it, but I'm starting to put faith in the writers. Even though this episode was shorter than the previous ones, it was SO exciting. The paths can be so different for players, and there's not nearly enough time for me to say how GRATEFUL I am for that! I love the dialogue, the action, and the relationships. I hope episode 5 blows my mind out of this world, I can't wait. It just feels great to enjoy something you paid for ahead of time (season pass), and waited for.


  • I never been this excited while waiting for a Telltale game and they deliver... we all have our own small problems with the game... but lets just not discuss it here.

    Thank you Telltale staff.

  • I feel like I ghostwrote this lol. I agree completely!

  • Yeah it was awesome .

  • edited January 2018

    Yes. All we now need is the return of Gordon's glorious stache.

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