Get 5 free dc comics

İ can’t find how i can get free comics. It is written in the game but I can’t find.


  • edited February 2018

    i too would like to know.

  • it said I gotta check my Telltale inbox, but I couldn't find anything in it

  • Didn‘t receive anything either. It‘s been over a week now.

  • Pareil, c'est assez gênant ! J'aimerais les avoirs, sinon cela s'appelle de la publicité mensongère !

  • edited February 2018

    I'm sorry that I don't have anything more to add to this(I've been replying to most of these threads). It worked for me a few months ago(the email took a couple days to arrive), but when I tried it recently(different platform, different account), the email also didn't arrive. You can try emailing Telltale at I doubt that their office directly deals with this(I'm near positive that the email I did receive came from a different company[the one whom deals with the online comic distribution]), but perhaps they could either find out what's going on, or forward the email to the correct party.

    It was working at one point. I can promise that.

  • edited February 2018

    You need a Telltale account. You need the game. You need to click the button in the game.
    Then you identify and they send you instructions to your registered Telltale email.
    Then you click the link in that email, the page tells you "We don't know that coupon code", so you close the browser tab.
    Then you click the link in the email again, the page tells you to "log in or sign up" to your DC comics account.
    Which ever one it is for you, it won't be possible without an Amazon account, since DC's login exclusively (!) uses Amazon.
    In other words: if you don't have accounts with Amazon, DC and Telltale, you won't be getting any free comics.

    I could've lived with a DC account, but I definitely don't want an Amazon account, especially not if any third parties will be able to sniff around in its business. I'm not signing up for two new website accounts just for some free comics.

    And especially not since they aren't really 'real' comics anyway, they can only be viewed in a special DC app on mobile devices.

    At least that's what I gathered from the whole process.
    I'll just keep playing the game, thank you very much.

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