Marvel vs Capcom 2 port for XBL
Is it just me or was this port awful?
Problems I have with it: Ok, why is it SO FREAKIN HARD to throw a soryuken [flying uppercut: you know, forward first then fireball motion] I've been doing this staple move since I was like 10 years old and I've never had such problems, and I know it's not the Xbox controller because there is no issue doing the same move on SFIV.
Multiplayer: WTH? I have a very nice connection, I've played MANY multiplayer games online, even WoW and EVERY game is ALWAYS seamless, with lag being almost non existent. Sure there might be a spike once in a blue moon and every once in a while you get connected to a bad/slow host, but I tried everything! I tried only joining games with low ping [40-60] even hosting my own and every time, time after time, it is just so laggy it's impossible to play. Even on SFIV I almost never even noticed lag unless I was getting flooded or the connection was awful, but I've fought people in Japan and Germany completely lag free, but I could not find ONE match in MvC2 that was even playable. I understand maybe it is more difficult because it has to render each frame, frame by frame, as opposed to just rendering single 3d models and applying animations, but STILL, COME ON.
The Achievements: Basically, the achievements are all teh suck. Here's why I think so. They are way too hard first off, I mean come on... And they're almost all, if not all, multiplayer based achievements. So if I can't even do multiplayer because the lag/framerate is so bad then no achievements for me. Also for the record I have not seen anyone with a single achievement from that game in my friends list. It's all 0's across the board and one of them [person in friends list] has almost ALL the SFIV achieves.
Well I guess I'm done ranting now... Did anyone else have these same issues or possibly others?
Other than that I love it but I hate not being able to uppercut when I want/need to and not being able to use multiplayer is a drag.
Problems I have with it: Ok, why is it SO FREAKIN HARD to throw a soryuken [flying uppercut: you know, forward first then fireball motion] I've been doing this staple move since I was like 10 years old and I've never had such problems, and I know it's not the Xbox controller because there is no issue doing the same move on SFIV.
Multiplayer: WTH? I have a very nice connection, I've played MANY multiplayer games online, even WoW and EVERY game is ALWAYS seamless, with lag being almost non existent. Sure there might be a spike once in a blue moon and every once in a while you get connected to a bad/slow host, but I tried everything! I tried only joining games with low ping [40-60] even hosting my own and every time, time after time, it is just so laggy it's impossible to play. Even on SFIV I almost never even noticed lag unless I was getting flooded or the connection was awful, but I've fought people in Japan and Germany completely lag free, but I could not find ONE match in MvC2 that was even playable. I understand maybe it is more difficult because it has to render each frame, frame by frame, as opposed to just rendering single 3d models and applying animations, but STILL, COME ON.
The Achievements: Basically, the achievements are all teh suck. Here's why I think so. They are way too hard first off, I mean come on... And they're almost all, if not all, multiplayer based achievements. So if I can't even do multiplayer because the lag/framerate is so bad then no achievements for me. Also for the record I have not seen anyone with a single achievement from that game in my friends list. It's all 0's across the board and one of them [person in friends list] has almost ALL the SFIV achieves.
Well I guess I'm done ranting now... Did anyone else have these same issues or possibly others?
Other than that I love it but I hate not being able to uppercut when I want/need to and not being able to use multiplayer is a drag.
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Assuming the XBox version is on par with the PS3 version, I'd recommend Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix. The online mode is smooth and more importantly the controls work perfect. The only thing that could be considered a problem is that the balancing has changed a bit with widescreen mode. Especially Dhalsim seems weaker (on the other hand I consider him a bit too mighty in the original game, so for me that's a good thing).
At least they're not as bad as these:
Achieved the number one rank on the All Gametypes leaderboard.
Achieved a ranking in the top ten on the All Gametypes leaderboard.
But yeah sometimes I just laugh at some of the achievements that are written.
At least Q4 has an excuse tho, it was early in 360's life so they didnt know what they were doing. [laughing@total of 35G between those two achieves] They should have known with MvC2.
And I've heard very good things about SF2Turbo Remix.
I myself have played well over a hundred games of MVC2 online (player matches only) bth with the 360 pad and my SE madcatz stick. I would recommend never playing a fighting game on the 360 without either a good dpad, or with a fightstick.
The only weird thing which I have noticed is that once got connected to someone completely different to the host of a private game.
Yep, my connection is perfect online most of the time (occasional lag/frame rate drops, but that is acceptable). It could well be a dodgy download, maybe try redownloading it.
I think that may be less of an issue with the PS3 version since the digipad is at a more comfortable position. It's also a traditional dpad instead of the XBox' Coolie-hat design.
still not as good as sega or nintendo dpads though.
I'll have to dig my SNES out to see about that. Back in a minute.
The N64 dpad is a disgrace. It has so much room inside the shell that it slips back and forward a couple of millimeters when you try to press left, down without taking your finger off it.
The NES and SNES dpads have similar issues, but not quite as bad. In this respect the PS3 gamepad is king. It returns almost exactly to the center position.
What makes the NES/SNES/N64 dpads better suited for fighting games is that the whole cross is accessible, whereas it slips under the shell at the center on the PS3 gamepad. So you can't move your finger easily from down to right via center. You have to go there directly, and since the PS3 buttons have a lot more feedback, that's something that you WILL feel. Also, the surface is a lot less slippery. Together this makes the whole experience a lot more precise, but a good deal less comfortable.
there was a reason why i put sega first, but nintendo pads have a much more tactile feel, as well as the aesthetics of it.
this is a useful for anyone wanting to play fighters on either ps3 or 360, it makes pretty much all of them easier. If you are feeling extravagant get a stick.