I never killed end boss in Chrono Trigger
I just kept getting the: "But the future refused to change..." ending. 
I tried so many times to kill that end boss, but when he transforms and has those two little aliens healing him, I just couldn't figure it out... Tried over and over and over... Max lvl, best sword... Max everything as far as I know... No go.. I hear there are multiple endings too...

I tried so many times to kill that end boss, but when he transforms and has those two little aliens healing him, I just couldn't figure it out... Tried over and over and over... Max lvl, best sword... Max everything as far as I know... No go.. I hear there are multiple endings too...

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I've never even gotten to the end boss, I always get to the part around where you beat Magus and then for some reason quit playing.
Chrono Trigger is the only Japanese rpg I've ever made it to end of, so don't feel bad
I bailed out on the first 2 Breath of Fire and FFIII[usa] and even FFVII although 7 wasnt my fault someone stole it...
I remember Frog Flare being very helpful the first time I fought him, as well. And the way to get the multiple endings is by fighting the final boss at different stages of the game.
chrono trigger is my all time fav snes rpg.. aside from mario rpg :P
its the only snes game that i tacked like 200+ hrs on.. and you can fight the end boss.. right at the start of the game after you play game + with all your armor n such..
easy as pie.. and leads to the thousands of endings the game has..
anything chrono trigger .. lemme know..
ps did anyone play the horrid sequel for psx? CHRONO CROSS
also i own like 3000 rpgs.. console only.. counting computer rpgs would take me far to long.. as ive collected since c64 era.. lol
Horrid? I disagree.
but... its system was decent.. so dont get the wrong idea here.. i just mean its not a good follow up game ... at all.
had it come out on its own.. with say a diff name.. mighta stood a chance :P
From what I've heard about Chrono Cross, that's accurate. I don't think