first time buyer

edited September 2009 in Site Support
i am trying to download tales of monkey island (all five games). can i get a refund if i need one, if i buy it from this website?

also when the fith game has been released do i get a free copy of all five games on disc?


  • edited September 2009
    i am trying to download tales of monkey island (all five games). can i get a refund if i need one, if i buy it from this website?

    also when the fith game has been released do i get a free copy of all five games on disc?

    1. they only give refunds in extreme circumstances. it would depend on the reason why you want it.

    2. they will give you the dvd once its released for the cost of the shipping
  • edited September 2009
    To add to what shref said, it can take up to 6 months after the last episode for the DVD to be ready. They have to design the menus/bonus features/etc and then allow time for mass production.
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