Just made it to episode 4 , this season is better than the tirst

Telltale is really trying to leave their mark on batman and it's working. I like seeing bruce out of costume more often, bruce has 5o rely more on his wits and wear a different disguise. It's like they are sending him into some new kind of darkness, I live seeing the continuing relationship between catwoman and john doe. I am trying to steer him down a different path and trying to keep him as a friend not sure where it's all leading really. I'm not really sure how all my choices are affecting him, it will be interesting to see how it plays out.


  • I'm happy to hear another person is enjoying the season! I believe Telltale has once more done an admirable job building emotional connection between the player and the characters, not to mention their impressive handling of choices this season. I really enjoy the series' focus on Bruce as a person. Having to balance the conflicting needs of his allies, compromising relationships and values for the greater aim - it's been very effective and painful. I can't wait to explore the different facets of John and his relationship with Bruce this Tuesday!

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