Anyone else hates when there is a time skip?

KaelthasKaelthas Banned

3 Weeks with John and Harley doing whatever they want in the streets, and Batman didn't move a finger, what has he doing in that time? how come he didn't even notice clowns putting bombs everywhere? We are talking about the best detective of Gotham, he had 3 weeks to find them, but instead, he needs to be found by John when he's about to kill everyone in Wayne Enterprises?

And what happens when WE start playing after the 3 weeks in game? we solve everything in a single day. If we were able to solve everything in a single day there was no need to wait 3 weeks, it just leaves tons of plot holes. You meet Selina after not seeing or hearing from her in 3 weeks (which is also weird AF, how come Avesta didn't tell us Waller had Selina in a leash?), and they act like last they saw each other was yesterday. And how come Waller didn't punish Avesta in that time? she had 3 weeks to do so. AND WHAT ABOUT BLAKE!? HE DIED IN THOSE 3 WEEKS!?

Basically a month happened and Batman couldn't catch a gang of clowns that were not exactly being subbtle, neither could he hear news about Selina? THEY ARE CLOWNS, with painted faces and colorful clothes!.


  • Because he's BATMAN

  • A time skip was necessary. Simple as that. You can't have John and Harley creating biochemical bombs and planting them all around Gotham in one day without making it look ridiculous. Same for the vigilante ending. It is either that or limiting a lot the possibilities of Joker's plans by making all happen in a matter of hours or a couple days.

    Batman's activities during that time skip could have been cleared up, but that doesn't change the fact that a time skip was required for the story to work.

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