Why Cersei is much better in the Books

So i've been Rereading through the books and i've got to admit the Cersei in the books is a much better and believable villain, In my opinion. It really does upset me that Benioff and Weiss changed her so much that she really isn't the same character now. If you don't read the books and you think i'm just being nit picky. Here are some of the things she does in the books.
She has Roberts Bastards Killed
She show's no Sympathy when the mothers are showing their Dead babies during the Riot of Kings Landing.
She's Paranoid
She has innocent woman taken to Qyburn to be experimented on
She Plots to get Jon Snow, Bronn, and Trystane Martell killed.
and much more evil stuff. I know some of them aren't as bad or batshit crazy as the other things she does. But those are just some of them. Please, lets have a conversation and civil.
I do agree. While the show's portrayal of Cersei wasn't bad, they definitely made her a lot smarter, and in turn a lot less infuriating. She's still not smart, but she's not a dumbass like in the books.
I do not know what you mean...I thought it was brilliant plan with no chance of backfiring to let the church start the Faith Militant again....yep nothing bad will happen. Of course in the books she does trick Sir Loris into taking Dragonstone too quickly without a proper siege...wasting troops and getting him burned by oil...so she is clever...but not smart enough to consider downsides to her plans.
I think the most annoying thing is that she considers herself the smartest person in the fuckin realm. She's the "next Tywin Lannister."
Yeah..she is just smart enough to get herself in trouble...I am wondering if Jaimie is just done with her in the books...ignoring her summons.