What’s next for telltale after wolf s2?
So what do you think telltale will work on next after wolf among us season 2? here are some of my thoughts.
•a new ip, and I mean a completely original ip.
•new seasons to older series like Sam and max and borderlands (whenever bl3 comes out)
•a new licensed game (which I doubt at the moment)
•Fortnite: story mode (I’d play it)
:I also think telltale should extend their publishing arm, but that’s a discussion for another day.
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(either that or do something with their roots. Sam and Max, Poker Night, pleeease.)
Hopefully a Walking Dead game that covers the characters with unknown statuses like Lily, molly, the characters from Howe's Hardware, etc..
I think one of these three
Doubt it's next, but I really think Telltale needs to create something that they own and control. Sure, it won't bring in those TWD/Batman dollars and views, but for the sake of the company and it's soul... They need to.
It's creatively stifling otherwise. People eventually just want to leave. Maybe they'll last 10 months, maybe 10 years... But constantly working within outside parameters is awful.
(of course there are differences between developers whom write and writers whom develop games... as well as screenwriters whom do this exact thing for a living)
Either Batman S3, GoT S2 or an original IP.
I would like to see something original so that it can give the writers full creative freedom with the story and characters without having to worry about other companies universes or continuity.
I'm pretty sure when they named it "The Walking Dead The Final Season" they mean't it would be the final season lol.
Not exactly sure, but there are projects being developed. Writer Zack Keller (TFTBL, GOTG, and Batman) has on his website that he’s currently the lead writer on an unannounced project set for a 2019 release. I don’t know if this is a sequel or a new IP.
Well, here we are again. And I don't mean from another thread either lol.

I was rewatching an old Season 2 video about lines that were cut, read the comments, saw your name and thought "Woah, this is the same guy from the Telltale forum!" I don't know why I got excited, it was just eye opening to see that after all this time I'd run back into you again.
I actually played some of the games you did gameplay for, like Dishonored 1,2, Death of the outsider, The Walking Dead(obviously) Wolfenstein The new colossus, Life is strange, Arkham Knight, Uncharted 4, and The last of us. Anyway, just wanted to stop by and say that. Carry on.
Batman Season 3 will probably happen at some point. Personally I really want Tales from the Borderlands 2 to come out after Wolf Among Us. Really hoping now that Telltale has new management and is listening to the community more that they start making games people are requesting, instead of what they were doing with the "get IP, spit out IP, get new IP, spit out IP...."
Try an original IP. That would be my hope.
Season 4 is the end of Clementines story. There could be DLC about other characters from the Walking Dead Series.
Game of Thrones... Please just give me Game of Thrones!
I hope it's GoT S2 i mean it was kinda confirmed then something original
I cant really see them making a new IP, I do hope that they return to some of their older games because those games really got me into Telltale. I also can't see a new licensed game happening either, Fortnite story mode is already a thing; I hardly ever play Fortnite and when I do I'm not very good however I have seen videos on the internet about a campaign mode, I think it's called Save The World.
I think I wanna say I saw a Pete Hawley interview where he said TTG might announce something for 2019 later this year? Although, with the Wolf Season 2 delay, who knows how that changes things!
Me personally, I could see Telltale moving away from sequels to current IP and moving towards another creative partner's IP of a more niche scale (like, think Wolf Among Us/Fables or maybe Borderlands depending on how generous your definition of "niche" is). I could also predict us finally getting some news on Telltale's original IP sometime in the later half of this year or first half of next year.
With the latest approach to how Telltale is handling things, they seem to be aiming towards quality over quantity as well as finally delivering on some much anticipated gameplay innovation instead of using the same formula, so in that context, I'm completely okay with waiting an extended while for Telltale news as long as it pays off.
I know, it was just a joke