Off Topic: Life Is Strange Canon Ending?
According to wiki Dontnod confirmed this month that the canon ending for LIS is the Bay ending. Anyone know of an article or something that confirms this? I don’t trust wiki as a reliable source. Not that i am against that canon ending (i agree if true) i just wanted to read what they said.
Thanks in advance!
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why is this in the TWD section
I do not care about lis so no idea
Well i did say Off Topic
To answer your question, they always did say the sequel would have a new cast and be set in a new location. I don’t think they ever said there was a canon ending - it depends on your choice. Apparently there’s a comic that continues the “save chloe” ending but Dontnod have been very careful not to consider one ending as canon
I'd like to think that there is no Canon ending
Well thats why i asked because on wiki it says June 2018, Dontnod confirmed the Bay ending was the canon ending. I just wondered if anyone can confirm this with proof?
Thanks for the reply anyway.
Normally I'd be irked that they rendered the Bae ending noncanon but then again Chloe isn't worth choosing over one life, let alone thousands
unless you mean the Sacrifice Arcadia Bay then oh well, like I care about the canon of Life Is Strange lmao
Get this Life is Tumblr crap outta here
Bet you guys wish we still have that downvote button
So no one knows then? Anyone at all can help me with this?
Nope,no one knows.
me everytime im about to post something
Ah yes. Nothing says "friendly community" like brigading this persons thread to tell them how much the thing they like sucks. I get not liking the game (I'm particularly fond of it either) but does that mean you gotta be such assholes to this guy?
This. I can't help but imagine this reading some of the posts in this thread.

As for the TC's question, going through a quick Google search doesn't seem to turn up any official statement from anyone at Dontnod saying one ending is canon over the other. Just seems to turn up analysis of the themes of the story or quotes from the Devs like this one (I think this might be in regards to what someone at D9 said though?):
I can try and look more thoroughly later, but I'm pretty sure the canon ending is whatever you will it to be.
Not trying to be hostile but no one is attacking Dan personally for his opinion. Everyone is just giving their honest opinion on the game. There's more appropriate places to hope to find information on Life is Strange, like it's subreddit. Giving opinions isn't stopping anyone else from giving information on the rumors if they have some.
The thing is, he's not asking people what they thought of the game. He's just asking which endings are canon. Yes there are people actually answering the question but then there's people just coming in to say "I don't like the game so I don't care" and "Get that Tumblr crap out of here."
Plus the point of the general chat is to go off topic so this really shouldn't be an issue.
"Not trying to be hostile but no one is attacking Dan personally for his opinion."
Well, the offhand comments that dismiss the entire question he's asking are pretty unnecessary.
Mm-hmm...... [sigh]
I've got to agree with Lupin. I'm pretty disappointed in this thread.
As for answering the real question, I don't think there's a real "canon" ending.
I've heard rumors that there's a Life is Strange-based comic coming out in the summer, and supposedly it continues off of the Save Chloe ending. Make of that what you will.
But I don't think Dontnod has made any official statement.
IMO, the canon ending is whichever one you want it to be.
Personally, I consider the Save Arcadia Bay ending to be canon (since I think it's pretty dumb and ice-cold-hearted to sacfirice an entire innocent town to preserve the doomed relationship with your best friend. Dread it, run from it, destiny still arrives. So does the tornado.)
Those are both really tame for the internet and should be expected from a community that isn't purely a LiS fanbase.These forums are largely meant to be casual, not informative (especially in regards to a game not made by Telltale) so these kinds of responses should be anticipated, no matter what we think of them.
Unnecessary I can see but as long as moderators allow it it's here to stay (and if they do step in I won't have a problem)
OP hasn't asked anyone to stop, and if he does I'll respect that and try to get other to as well, but no harm is being done by people just giving their opinions. As long as it doesn't escalate into personal attacks I say there's no foul.
yet everyone proceeds to agree with the fact that Joel sacrificed the entire humanity to save Ellie
No, I'd have to agree that's a pretty dumb decision as well.
I find that one easier to manage with the few points of:
Well how do we know a vaccine could have been made just because Marlene said so? Either way it wasn’t a choice we could make to kill Ellie or not anyway