Characters in fiction you relate to the most?
Can be from Telltale games or in general: Film, Video Games, Books, Theater, etc.
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Can be from Telltale games or in general: Film, Video Games, Books, Theater, etc.
Not Holden Caulfield. I didn’t like him at all.
Eh, here’s a random one from the list: Tom Hanks from Cast Away. Everything about him, is just, great. His failures, his triumphs, and of course, Wilson.
WILSON! I'M SORRY! I can just imagine you saying that now
Katniss Everdeen, which is weird because my life is nothing like hers.
Chandler Bing from Friends.
My Parents Divorced at a Young age, although while my real Dad didn’t become a Woman like Chandler’s, I never had a good relationship with him as he was never there (he put Drugs and Drink before me & my Brother until his death 5 years ago) & I can also relate to him in that he tells bad jokes to deflect any insecurities (due to my Social Awkwardness & Dyspraxia).
I can also relate to David Brent from The Office (played by Ricky Gervais from the original version over here in the UK) as he tries too hard to be liked, and while i’m not as bad as him as I don’t always care what people think, I still overthink things & tell daft jokes & no doubt annoy people.
Well not that many to be honest, on a personality level Kumiko Oumae from the Anime Hibike! Euphonium is probably the closest one, everything from the way she uses cynicism to deflect her insecurities to the way she reacts to different situations, and particularly being thrust into leadership positions reluctantly due to the way she's direct, to the point and kind of a dick but also tries to hide it and starts backpedalling once she thinks she's offended someone.
However other than the personality we don't actually have all that much in common.
Besides that I'm partial to Max Payne, again a huge case of using cynicism and sarcasm to deflect tension but just the fact that he's a well-intentioned boy scout who is just kicked so hard by life that he becomes the typical anti-hero while also being surprisingly pathetic is something that I find extremely relatable, even if I've never shot anyone and he is basically a mass-murderer.
Interesting. Never thought about it before.
I guess I can relate to Daryl from TWD, because like him, I've always felt like an outsider. And like him also a loner.
Gilbert Grape (played by Johnny Depp) from What's Eating Gilbert Grape.
My life has been pretty similar to his. Family didn't leave house much/at all, disabled younger brother, develops a father-like relationship with his siblings, has long hair, and when asked what he wants most for himself if he could have anything, his answer was "I just want to be a good person".
I relate a lot to his character and situation. Not to mention, a character Johnny Depp later plays in a popular movie series has the same first name as me...
Great movie
Probably Bart Allen from YJ. I can be mature and immature at times, and I can see myself doing the things he's done off duty
He's my favorite character on TWD. Really hope to see more of him in the next season.
Shane Walsh from TWD. I've never really had a problem being the odd man out of things and seen differently
Leo Kasper from Manhunt 2. Sometimes we all wonder how we'd be better people if our circumstances didn't cause a certain lust for blood and chaos
Brian Johnson from The Breakfast Club. I’m like a female version of him. I know what it’s like to be an overachiever and “a parent’s wet dream” (people actually called me that). Very often people treat like a walking brain without seeing the actually human being. I didn’t attempt a suicide, thankfully, but bad grades also fuck me up really bad, as well as how complicated and unfair life is. Brian came off as the nicest and the wisest character of the movie to me, very sincere too, but maybe naive. I felt his struggles and his pain like my own.
Also it’s incredibly pleasant to see a realistic portrayal of a nerd in a teenage movie, you know. They actually show off Brian as a real person. He’s something more than his grades and his intellect. He can be quirky and funny, he can be a good friend, and he understands life beyond just studying. The ending, where he reads the essay and kisses the paper, walking out alone, as if he dedicates his life to preaching truth - it’s my favorite part for sure.
Batman, from Batman.
the pigeon man lol
Can't think of any other than Chihiro from Spirited Away. Not that I'm like her in... well I'm not very similar to her at all. However, there was one scene where I felt "Holy crap, that is me right now!" I won't tell what scene it is, but it's the reason Spirited Away is my favorite film of all time.
From video games:
John Doe- Batman: The Enemy Within
Asriel Dreemurr (child form) -Undertale
And thank God I'm never going to see Undertale fanart again lol
Max Caulfield- Life is Strange
(Now that I think about it her friendship with Chloe is like a gender swapped version of me and my best friend lol)
The Outsider- Dishonored Series

I'll update if I think of more.
He knew when people reeked of fucking weakness
This Jigglypuff from the Pokemon anime. Over the years, studying it, I felt it and I were a lot alike. Both wanting more out of life, wanting recognition for talents and becoming incredibly frustrated by being denied or never given the chance to show what were made of.
Both Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr from Hamilton.
I haven't had it as rough as either of them, but how Hamilton and Burr speak to each other is really similar to how my internal dialogue usually goes. Hamilton being very argumentative and hot-blooded, and Burr understanding that point of being a diplomat is playing your cards right. Like Hamilton I constantly feel the need to rise up from nothing and hopelessness and make a mark on the world, and like Burr I'm constantly dissatisfied with the system and want to make a difference but when I stop to think about it I realize that I haven't figured out what a difference entails. Burr is the one that I act more closely to in real life, but I feel like Hamilton is who I'd eventually become if I ever were to be completely unrestrained. (Plus all my girlfriends were pretty much Eliza lol)
This song is really motivating to me tbh:
(Also it's my dream to play the role of Hamilton in a production lol)
I’m slightly off topic, but I’m just glad to see a fellow musical theatre fan here. You can’t simply imagine how many roles I’d like to play in productions, despite having a vocal range of a potato lmao.
I've been slowly getting into more musical theater. I have a love-hate relationship with drama even though people have told me I'm very good at it. I love being able to get into a role because I have something to work off from but I hate having to do pure improv ?
I've been told that I have a very distinct voice. My singing voice is terrible unless it's low pitched (which is why I would be terrified of having to sing Dear Theodosia lmao) but people have said I'd make a good rapper. If I could just play Non-Stop on a stage... I would be set (my god there's too many Hamilton puns
As you age you start understanding squidward more and more.

Das me!!
Teen Gohan from DBZ. Nice Sometimes. Savage at other times. Hell's Yea.
My sister just introduced me to Johnny The Homicidal Maniac and said the title character made her think of me if I was a psychotic killer misanthrope, so.. there's that '~'
yeah i wouldn't recommend it if you're squeamish lol
Elsie Fisher's character from Eighth Grade. That girl is basically the female version of me at that age.