Season 3 Theme [Contains Season 1 and 2 spoilers!]
Any ideas?
We've had Hypnosis and Hell
What's next supernatural, with witches, curses, spells and cults?
Freakish Forms, with circus freaks, the deranged and mad, crazy cat lady?
Or maybe just something else beginning with H?
Any ideas, guys?
We've had Hypnosis and Hell
What's next supernatural, with witches, curses, spells and cults?
Freakish Forms, with circus freaks, the deranged and mad, crazy cat lady?
Or maybe just something else beginning with H?
Any ideas, guys?
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Although, it would confuse me with Sam and Max: Through Time and Space, it's still a neat idea.
My thought exactly. Even more possibilities than time travel! (Which I mention since I tend to associate the two concepts with each other; you can thank Michael Crichton for that.) And for some reason, it seems like the next logical step from where we've been so far.
The thought of "More aliens, perhaps?" also occurred to me. Followed by noticing today's Google main page:
Coincidence?!! ... Yeah, probably. But glimpses of worlds beyond Sam & Max's little blue-green glob of terra firma could be neat (the Moon notwithstanding). The Mariachis purchased their spaceship from someone, after all. That said, I'd still much prefer alternative universes given these two choices.
I wonder if they go to a universe of other TV shows, films and etc.
I approve of this idea and would like to subscribe to its newsletter.
You mean like this?
That's a little something I whipped up for a thread about what the season would be about like, two months ago.
Too late!
darn. OH well, let's do it anyway.
Yes, it would. I like the other Telltale games idea, too.
Oh gee I hope not.
Final Bosses don't usually make frequent appearances after they've been defeated.
You're wrong. Hugh Bliss and the Soda Poppers dropped by a lot before their showdowns.
Please no. He's cool. He's put polite, curt and monotone into an adorable mix. Kinda the opposite to the Soda Poppers.
You don't understand. The Soda Poppers were recently defeated in What's New - they are the bosses of that finale, because they were the mastermind behind the whole season's eleobrate plot.
You're probably thinking that they were defeated in Culture Shock, but Brady Culture is the boss of that episode, as he had hyponitised the Poppers as his pawns, to do his evil bidding (so techinically they're not bosses).
Hugh Bliss - since his defeat, I can only recollect his appearance in What's New. Which is 1/5 of his possible appearances since Bright Side, so that shows he's not going to make many more appearances, besides being not such a popular character. And his calendar appearances don't count - as there was no Hugh Bliss voice acting.
That's hilarous, seeing how they did touched upon goth culture, Glenn Miller, Jimmy Hoffa and etc. I could seeing that being an episode.
I don't really know see how it would work though as a fully fledged story.
Man am I glad you put spoiler tags on that paragraph or it would have completely ruined the second season for me! Phew!
I'm just going to not go into forums anymore of games I haven't beaten yet...
I said before, not after! You said before originally too, which is why I said what I said.
I would go on to mention how I meant we saw Hugh Bliss in every Season 1 episode except 101 & 103 etc. (even if it wasn't actually him in 105) but seeing as we've been talking at cross purposes, the last two posts (three if you include this one) are pointless.
My apologies for sounding unfriendly. It's not intentional. I just like to get my point across.
EDIT: Also, Myra was hypnotised but she's still the boss of 102.
I'm really sorry - I feel really bad.
Not only for what I've done, but that'll you won't probably see this, when you come back on the forums.
Or maybe Sam and Max fixtime they fix any trouble caused be they
Yeah, I agree - but season 1 felt like they were going on actual mysteries - season 2 was so random in its locations (but good!
I kinda liked the break from the norm, thinking outside the box.
I enjoyed the break from the car. 3 episodes was enough to experiment with it. And I do not wish to drive again (except for those awesome mini games.
Ice Station Santa- Duh, Christmas.
Moai Better Blues - "Easter" Island
Night of the Raving Dead - Halloween
Mariachis - BIRTHDAY!
Hell - National Huntington's Disease Awareness Day, or, June 6th, Which is 2/3 the number of the beast.
Sam and Max: For Goat and Country! Mexico, Canada, Roswell, Florida, Texas, London.
Mole people, 80's Rock, The Queen of England, El Chuppacobra, Mayan Death God, The Illuminati, a Comic-con and a Renaissance fest. The beauty of Sam and Max is that anything can happen.