How do I download episode 1?

edited November 2006 in Game Support
I purchased the Sam and Max Season 1 pack about 30 min ago. The e-mail you sent me says...
Starting November 1, you'll also be able to download Culture Shock through the purchase history section of your My Telltale account. As each episode comes out, it will be added to your purchase history.

I don't have any download links in the e-mails sent from you guys. I also don't have any download options in my purchase history. Just curious when I will get an option to download.


  • edited November 2006
    I got the download link in my e-mail and have even started playing the game, but noticed that the download link still hasn't been added to my purchase history. Is this going to be fixed so I can download it onto my other computers?
  • edited November 2006
    I need to learn to post in the correct forum. Please feel free to kick this post over to Shopping/Activation.
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