Congratulations to these four forum users:
@bravepancake ~ $20 Steam Code
@captainivy1 ~ $20 Nintendo Eshop Code
@InGen_Nate_Kenny … more~ $25 XBOX Code
@AnimalBoy ~ $20 PlayStation Code
Thank you to everyone who participated! You are all great, take care
I got about $150 in birthday money, not including gift cards I got on top of that.
Honestly as I get older I'm not really comfortable get… moreting birthday money all that much. "Yeah I was born, give me your cash." I appreciate it and I kept some of it but I don't have any issues giving it away.
Congratulations to these four forum users:
@bravepancake ~ $20 Steam Code
@captainivy1 ~ $20 Nintendo Eshop Code
@InGen_Nate_Kenny … more~ $25 XBOX Code
@AnimalBoy ~ $20 PlayStation Code
Thank you to everyone who participated! You are all great, take care
Hey - if you don't mind sharing with us - what game(s) are you gonna buy with them shiny virtual monies @bravepancake, @captainivy1, @InGen_Nate_Kenny, and @AnimalBoy ?
Hey - if you don't mind sharing with us - what game(s) are you gonna buy with them shiny virtual monies @bravepancake, @captainivy1, @InGen_Nate_Kenny, and @AnimalBoy ?
Hey - if you don't mind sharing with us - what game(s) are you gonna buy with them shiny virtual monies @bravepancake, @captainivy1, @InGen_Nate_Kenny, and @AnimalBoy ?
I used the gift card to help pay for Life is Strange 2. My birthday is a few days before the game releases, so it's a nice little belated birthday gift for myself. Thank you again for doing this giveaway, Cocoa2736.
Hey - if you don't mind sharing with us - what game(s) are you gonna buy with them shiny virtual monies @bravepancake, @captainivy1, @InGen_Nate_Kenny, and @AnimalBoy ?
Is no one going to mention @aguscocciardi, who probably would have won the steam card had the wheel spun for one second longer? That was heartbreaking to watch. It stopped right on the peg.
Is no one going to mention @aguscocciardi, who probably would have won the steam card had the wheel spun for one second longer? That was heartbreaking to watch. It stopped right on the peg.
Is no one going to mention @aguscocciardi, who probably would have won the steam card had the wheel spun for one second longer? That was heartbreaking to watch. It stopped right on the peg.
Well, if you're giving out free $20 PlayStation Store credit as pity to people who act like big babies... THIS GIVEWAY WAS NOT FAIR! I was TOO BUSY to enter!! You OBVIOSLY are OUT TO GET ME!! You MUST restart this giveway and GIVE ME A CHANCE THIS TIME!! And make sure is during a time that IM NOT BUSY!!
What did you use to make the wheels? They look really neat.
Sighs I would have gotten Dark Souls Remastered if I won, but I kind of saw it coming because today was the worst.
Ah well, at least it was a fun act of generosity to witness!
Congrats to the winners, winners... of the chicken dinners! [hold on, wait.... no, not me! I'm outta here!]

hm. ok. makes sense I guess.
Congrats to everyone who won.
I used a mobile app called Decision Roulette, it's on the play store if you want to download it
Sadly I don’t have an android phone so RIP. But thanks anyway
Congrats to the winners and for OP for doing this. Very nice of ya.
It was fun anyway, congrats to the winners.
You know, being lucky takes a lot of skill and effort...
Seriously though, thanks dude!
Thank you!
Did you see how close I was to winning... Damn...
Well, congratulations to the winners, and thanks so much for doing this Cocoa.
Maybe i didn’t won but i really like that wheel
Hey - if you don't mind sharing with us - what game(s) are you gonna buy with them shiny virtual monies @bravepancake, @captainivy1, @InGen_Nate_Kenny, and @AnimalBoy ?
Probably going to spread the total of the card over a few months for The Walking Dead and The Council.
I like how all three (serious) wheels snatched victory from some of my favorite members at the last second lol
I'm still happy for those that won tho
TFS, or maybe some rainy day money for my account. Well, probably not that, but something important. We'll see.
I used the gift card to help pay for Life is Strange 2. My birthday is a few days before the game releases, so it's a nice little belated birthday gift for myself.
Thank you again for doing this giveaway, Cocoa2736.
And here I was thinking we were friends...
¯_(^¬^)_/ ¯

Is no one going to mention @aguscocciardi, who probably would have won the steam card had the wheel spun for one second longer? That was heartbreaking to watch. It stopped right on the peg.
It was, man.
And yet no one noticed how close I was to winning...
Do you want me to go down to the store and buy you a $20 PlayStation card as a pity prize?
Will that make you happy you big baby?
It would actually.
What would also make me happy is my friends acknowledging me and my amazing achievements.
(I can't tell if this is still funny or not)
Well, if you're giving out free $20 PlayStation Store credit as pity to people who act like big babies... THIS GIVEWAY WAS NOT FAIR! I was TOO BUSY to enter!! You OBVIOSLY are OUT TO GET ME!! You MUST restart this giveway and GIVE ME A CHANCE THIS TIME!! And make sure is during a time that IM NOT BUSY!!