Question about currently active users

edited October 2009 in Site Support
I've noticed that on the main page where currently active users are listed, Telltale people have italicized user names, but some of them are bold as well. What's the difference? Some users also have ... a Max head? I think? by their names, which are also italicized. Are they "lay" moderators or just really cool guys or what? I tried searching through the forum for answers, but I couldn't find anything. Thanks!


  • edited September 2009
    The Max head means that they are moderators. I wish I was one...

    And bold might mean TTG members who are currently editing, or maybe it is because they have been here longer?

    I don't really know, but maybe this helps!
  • David EDavid E Telltale Alumni
    edited September 2009
    Bold-and-italicized names are forum administrators. Max heads indicate community mods (who are not TTG employees).
  • edited October 2009
    Thanks guys. Sorry I took so long to read the post, but I went on a forced internet hiatus after posting the question and forgot to check back. Glad to know anyway!
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