Why Did My Cart Just Empty Itself?

edited September 2009 in Site Support
I had my cart full of some game seasons and had applied the 50% off coupon. I then left it for a couple of weeks and was going to get around to buying them eventually but now my cart has emptied itself! Does your cart automatically empty if you don't purchase the items in it within a certain amount of time? I hope I can still apply the code for the 50% off coupon...


  • edited September 2009
    I would guess that what happened was simply that your browser's cache cleared out the information, since I don't think the cart stuff is saved on their end. (I'm not 100% on that but I would guess that's how it works)

    But since your code was never actually used, I am 99% sure you are still able to use it.
  • David EDavid E Telltale Alumni
    edited September 2009
    I believe that cart information is stored on our end for a time, but I'm not sure how long it lasts. If you try to apply your coupon again, and it doesn't apply the discount (or says the coupon's already been used), we can also supply you with a new coupon code.
  • edited September 2009
    David E wrote: »
    I believe that cart information is stored on our end for a time, but I'm not sure how long it lasts. If you try to apply your coupon again, and it doesn't apply the discount (or says the coupon's already been used), we can also supply you with a new coupon code.

    Oh okay, thanks! From now on I think I'll only put stuff in my cart when I know that I'm gonna buy it straight away : )
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