If Ethan was still alive when Rodrik came back, who would be Lord of Ironrath?
The answer to this question might be obvious, but if, for some reason, Ethan hadn't been killed by Ramsay, when Rodrik showed up alive on the corpse cart:
A. Would Ethan have given up the lordship of Ironrath to his older brother, as was his right?
B. If Ethan did abdicate, would his decisions (like naming Duncan/Ser Royland Sentinel) have come undone or his rule be seen as illegitimate?
C. Would it have made relations with the Boltons and Whitehills better or worse (if such a thing were possible?)
Any thoughts? Please try to keep the answers from being too cynical.
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Ok so this a bit of a tough question but I will try to answer it.

A. The choice of giving up lordship to Rodrik would probably have been a player choice however, I think that Ethan would've given it to Rodrik because remember he didn't really want to be a lord.
B. Well Rodrik could've undone his choice of sentinel however, he kept whoever Ethan chose to honor his brother.
C. I think it would've made the situation worse because now the Boltons and Whitehills know that the Forrester's have someone who was trained to be a lord and has military fighting experience so they would probably be more cautious about fighting someone like that and would have to use his weakness, which is his family and friends like they did in the game to get Rodrik to break. Also the Forresters would be more reckless because Ethan's death showed the Forresters that the Boltons are not afraid to do evil things if you disobey them.
Just my thoughts on how Ethan giving Lordship to Rodrik would've changed the story a bit.