Telltale’s Stranger Things Leak

Came across this on Reddit, could be BS but it looks sick.

Would’ve been dope.



  • That's a nice find and all, but you guys got any Wolf Among Us Season 2 leaked footage?

  • If this was in the works their must be something for TWAU 2. It’s only a matter of time before one of the 250 people who got let go leak something.

    That's a nice find and all, but you guys got any Wolf Among Us Season 2 leaked footage?

  • Looks very legit, too bad we will never know if it is real or not

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited September 2018

    (Also, what subreddit was this posted on? I wanna see the context. Moderators are only community volunteers and not staff, so I'm just asking out of personal interest.)

  • It's on the r/telltale subreddit. Funnily enough, it was a random comment on the post "I'm sorry for this"

    (Also, what subreddit was this posted on? I wanna see the context. Moderators are only community volunteers and not staff, so I'm just asking out of personal interest.)

  • It was on the r/telltale subreddit. It wasn’t actually a post though. One random user commented a link and then deleted his comment like 5 mins later, I was able to copy the link though.

    (Also, what subreddit was this posted on? I wanna see the context. Moderators are only community volunteers and not staff, so I'm just asking out of personal interest.)

  • That looking 100% real fam.

    Can someone just fucking leak Wolf S2 already like fuck, no offense I dont care about Telltales Stranger things lmao

  • Hey off topic here, I know you're not an employee but were you ever in contact with Telltale?
    I guess an easier way to word it would be did you and Carolyn (or any other Telltale employee) PM semi-consistently?

    (Also, what subreddit was this posted on? I wanna see the context. Moderators are only community volunteers and not staff, so I'm just asking out of personal interest.)

  • Moderators were indeed not staff, but we would had frequent contact with whoever was the Community Manager at the time. At various points during my 4.5 years as mod, it went from Laura Perusco (puzzlebox), to Nathan Ortega (kenjisalk), to Caroline Liddick (mostlypoptarts).

    We'd talk to them about various modding matters, and other similar stuff. However, the recent closure was unknown to us mods until it actually happened.

    Cdognkal2 posted: »

    Hey off topic here, I know you're not an employee but were you ever in contact with Telltale? I guess an easier way to word it would be did you and Carolyn (or any other Telltale employee) PM semi-consistently?

  • Go to Bill Willingham's Twitter, says he is currently debating whether or not to tell the story they had planned for wolf 2, likely in Comic form
    ...That actually gives me an idea. I wonder if Kirkman would consider releasing the last two episodes as issues instead? Hell he could even write the thing. And if not, just throw her in the Walking Dead Comics.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    That looking 100% real fam. Can someone just fucking leak Wolf S2 already like fuck, no offense I dont care about Telltales Stranger things lmao

  • However, the recent closure was unknown to us mods until it actually happened.

    I don’t think anyone knew except the higher ups. That’s what I heard.

    Moderators were indeed not staff, but we would had frequent contact with whoever was the Community Manager at the time. At various points du

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited September 2018

    Yeah, I presumed most people knew that by now, but I figured I would directly comment on it just to fill anyone in who was curious on what us volunteer mods knew.

    As I said above, we frequently talked with at least the community team a lot. Even though I didn't feel too bad about the game cancellations for Wolf and ST, I feel really bad for the staff, and especially Caroline since she was the one who talked to mods the most. She was super solid at her job, and had to put up with a lot more due to the time she came on board at.

    However, the recent closure was unknown to us mods until it actually happened. I don’t think anyone knew except the higher ups. That’s what I heard.

  • Yea, what a fucking mess. I wonder how the rest of Telltale is gonna handle TFS. I just can’t see them finishing it with such a small crew.

    Yeah, I presumed most people knew that by now, but I figured I would directly comment on it just to fill anyone in who was curious on what u


  • Damn. Wouldn't been nice to have actually seen this come to fruition. Hopefully we get a Wolf S2 leak as well. I just wanna see the artstyle.

  • Wow, I wonder who leaked it? Makes me sad to see what could have been for a game as early in development as Stranger Things :(

  • Damn... I was so hyped with this game. Now my heart is even more broken.

  • This is upsetting but I hope more starts to surface. It looked not that far off.

  • Them eyes.

    @Blind Sniper Moderators were indeed not staff

    But Staff ^were^ Moderators

  • A small few, but not a ton. Aside from the Community Manager who was also in the trenches, they mostly left modding to us volunteers.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Them eyes. @Blind Sniper Moderators were indeed not staff But Staff ^were^ Moderators

  • This is so depressing. Maybe Netflix can find another developer to finish the game.

  • Holy balls those eyes where the stuff of nightmares or a good peyote trip. Damn now I want 2 buttons

  • So I gather that this was supposed to be released in time for the second season of the show but got delayed right? I haven’t seen ST yet though I am planning to for October....

  • I wonder if this was from the actual game or just a concept as i wouldn't have thought that playing as Will would work as most would already know his story.

    I remember reading that there was a Game of Thrones concept where they walked around as Hodor and all the dialogue options where "Hodor".

  • I think I remember hearing in an interview that the plan was to have the player play as all four of the Stranger Things boys, though I assume given her powers that they might have snuck Eleven in there as well.

    OzzyUK posted: »

    I wonder if this was from the actual game or just a concept as i wouldn't have thought that playing as Will would work as most would already

  • More leaks are out! Seems like there were going to be first person segments when hiding from monsters.

    Will's mom surprising him with a computer.

    Running away from the monster. First person scene.

    Hiding from the monster. First person scene.

    Inspecting a cupboard.

    Also some concept art!

  • Aside from the butt-ugly graphics, this looked promising. Shame that it'll never see the light of day.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    More leaks are out! Seems like there were going to be first person segments when hiding from monsters. Will's mom surprising him with a c

  • Interesting, first person perspective chase scene with the monster, makes me think they might have been going for some Outlast/Alien: Isolation gameplay sections at certain points.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    More leaks are out! Seems like there were going to be first person segments when hiding from monsters. Will's mom surprising him with a c

  • Fun fact: The Walking Dead (Season 1) and the original Poker Night were also originally planned to have some first person elements at various points. (For Poker Night 1, you would have direct control during the intro scene where you walk around in the Inventory.)

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Interesting, first person perspective chase scene with the monster, makes me think they might have been going for some Outlast/Alien: Isolation gameplay sections at certain points.

  • edited September 2018

    Why is Stripe in this game? Or so tall?

    Also, dat black kid.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    More leaks are out! Seems like there were going to be first person segments when hiding from monsters. Will's mom surprising him with a c

  • Is this real?

  • I was never into Stranger Things, but the content from these leaks looked promising. Also I think the stylistic choices are interesting and they remind me a bit of BTTF. Maybe trying to recapture that 80s vibe?

    I'm angry that people on other sites are judging the game's graphics based on these leaks because who knows how far along in development this is from? The final game might've had a lot more polish.

  • I have to say that it looks impressive, the graphics are better than people say and clearly this was WIP anyway. Not sure how this game would relate to the original series whether it would have been a straight adaptation of it or something set between Season 1 and 2.

  • I like the idea of the first person hiding scene, that looks pretty sick. The characters' gigantic eyes are a bit creeping me out though.

  • The game was going to be set shortly after Season 2

  • This is exceptional, an extraordinary step up for Telltale, both aesthetically and gameplay wise.

  • The soda poppers big return

  • To be honest, while it looks really good (though the over-stylisation for Will makes him look way too creepy), I'd have been a bit disappointed if this was what the Stranger Things game was to be.
    We already got 2 seasons of the AV Crew, and I personally did not want Telltale to meddle with them. Leave that to the showrunners.

    I was hoping for something a bit more original from them. Like a side-story or something that exists in the same universe, but a different location. Yes, that's how they did Game of Thrones, and while it wasn't integral to the show as much as we'd have liked (or maybe that's just me, but I don't watch it) they did execute it relatively well. The really big moments of the series were nice (Ep 1, Ep2's end, Ep3's beginning, Ep5's end, Ep6).

    Maybe it was just some kind of tech demo thing, but with all the leaks it looked pretty fleshed out. Quality-wise, it's really impressive.

  • Fun fact: The Walking Dead (Season 1) and the original Poker Night were also originally planned to have some first person elements

    S1 had the first person shooting already though.

    Fun fact: The Walking Dead (Season 1) and the original Poker Night were also originally planned to have some first person elements at variou

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited September 2018

    I meant as in, most (if not all) of the game would be in first person, allegedly.

    Fun fact: The Walking Dead (Season 1) and the original Poker Night were also originally planned to have some first person elements S1 had the first person shooting already though.

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