How much of an auidence to Telltale need?
Judging by youtube and everyone here, thousands and thousands of people play these games. Even Jacksepticeye and Pewdiepie play them and they get millions of views! How much do they need?
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As many as DONTNOD’s Life is Strange target audience. Once you have control over the lesbians, you’ll receive endless monetary funds to complete any future projects. People care about representation.
Lesbians FTW
Haha control the lesbians. The Google Play Store has The Waking Dead: Season 1 and Season 2 at having 10+ million downloads. It just goes to show no matter how big your audience is, bad management can bring you down.
Bad management and lack of lesbian representation.
Yep, that's it.

Jesus hates video games anyways so whatever sells right? :P
/s /s /s /s /s /s /s /s /s /s /s /s /s /s /s /s /s /s look i have a video of Last of Us Left Behind on my wall don't lynch me Jesus was a good guy and very likely doesn't hate games on their own and never condemned lgbt don't hate him pls
Uhhh huhhhhh....

seriously im ok with jokes and trolls falling flat (especially since I'm just taking the piss now) but how much more straightforward with a joke about bigotry could I have gotten tho o.0
yah representation is great. what made LiS so good with inclusion is that it was vague enough so it could be interpreted different ways to fit the player. like i chose to see chloe's sexuality as very fluid. and the fact they weren't like ~gay~ chars with their orientation being their main trait or being some stereotypical portrayal made it feel much more natural and helps to normalize it, which is super necessary in the media. a lot of times when they try to be inclusive or whatever it comes off as offensive and belittling. ? maybe it's just me.
It has to be bad management. Telltale simply are not an obscure company that were scraping for every penny from the mass public.