This game is like a puzzle solving adventure where you can make up whatever tools you want! Im addicted. Solving puzzles with giant squid and satan is something I haven't been able to do in any previous adventure game.
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1. I dont really want to know what puzzle you were solving
2. Satan? I thought this was a kids game.
3. I REALLY want this game, but I'm going to have to wait. I have a limit on how many games I get a year to save money, and preordering KIngdom Hearts 358/2 days was my last game. THis and Bosers Inside story is going to have to wait.
First I used a TRex, then an Anaconda...I was gonna use Cthulu...
I've tried to solve a few puzzles using Longcat but I haven't had any luck yet.
It's fun to fiddle around with, that game. Too bad the gameplay itself is a bit bleh.
Oh, and of course, the village people!
Yes. That works too.
So, how did you guys do 1-1 Action?
when that didn't work, I glued butter to a dolphin, then proceeded to cut the tree down with a sword.
In hindsight, I don't think the buttered dolphin was necessary for my goal.
Use Radon on someone. I dare you.
If you type "devil," a cartoon devil appears... he also appears if you type "Satan" or "demon." Similarly, Zeus appears if you type "God"
Christmas lists at the ready!
It can if they use the name devil, satan I dont know, it is kinda like paretns telling kids to never use "suck" as in insult like its the f word. Also, I heard this off Nintendo Power.
elephant plus bazooka plus anger(anger the elephant with a weapon) equals epic boss.
I probably wont get this until Christmas because today I went over my limit on games until Christmas(but it was worth getting mario and luigi 3)
That's what she said.
I had that love re-affirmed when I realised that I'd been playing with the game for an hour-and-a-half and I hadn't even got off the title screen.
Seriously, this is the most pure, unadulterated fun I've had with a game for as long as I can remember.
I tried shooting it down with a sniper rifle but you lose if you kill the butterfly:o. I tried attaching teeth to it and making a dentist catch it but you cant attach teeth. I tried using a stun gun to parylize it, but it killed it. I tried attaching a rope on it and climb it but a glitch made it so the butterfly phased through the ground. I tried attaching aweight to it but that killed it. I tried getting a ufo and abducting it but it died(I didnt know how easily a butterfly can die) I tried roasting a chicken hoping the butterfly to be hungry, but it wasn't. I tried a bee hoping the bee would drag it down to me(know clue what I was thinking) but the bee and the butterfly battled to the death and the bee won. I tried the mind control gun hoping the butterfly would follow me, but it just showed a
When you could do all that PLUS more to do your missions, you know it is a good game:D
When I saw a puzzle where they used an arsonist, to get a cat from the top of a house, and God on a skateboard, fighting cthullu I have decided that the game will be awesome.
1. Type in Rickroll and you will get a rick astly like guy dancing then explode
2. Type lol wut just like I spelled it and I wont spoil this one for you just do it.:D
3. Type in Swine Flu. It does the same thing if you type flu but still swine flu is in the game:D
You might also want to try Ceiling Cat and All Your Base Are Belong To Us.
Or Large Hadron Collider.
I'll try that the next time I see my cousin, or get the game. whichever comes first.