The tragic end of Telltale Games - The Verge

“Make an expensive deal with an IP holder, aim for an unrealistic deadline that forced us to rush production, and hope we cross the finish line without burning out.”


  • Although preorders for Telltale’s The Walking Dead’s final season were initially promising, the game hadn’t sold as well as expected.

    Ouch. I thought it would be the other way around, where pre orders were bad and that the game sold better after launch.

  • edited October 2018

    Anecdotal but I'm one example of that—I bought S1, S2, Wolf, GoT, MCSM S1 and S2, but I didn't get ANF or TFS (or Michonne, which I forget even exists sometimes).

    4k60fpsHDR posted: »

    Although preorders for Telltale’s The Walking Dead’s final season were initially promising, the game hadn’t sold as well as expected.

  • Now the skeleton crew has just been laid off :(

  • Sad.... Telltale use to have such magic.

  • For real…all good things must come to an end because of the nature of the universe but TT kinda ended in a horrible way for everyone (except upper management who were nicely severed I'm sure) involved

    Sad.... Telltale use to have such magic.

  • Good riddance Telltale. Greed, arrogance, stupidity, and unprofessional business tactics destroyed a company with great potential. The games were stripped down after S1 of TWD. Once Telltale found success they immediately started cashing in by taking on more games than they could handle. They made up for it by using a new standard of less content, interaction, and shorter episodes. They put nothing whatsoever into research and innovation to update and improve their games They often wouldn't even patch bugs that riddled all their of games, including many that were game breaking. When game mechanics regress and never change for years what did they think would happen?

    Telltale was full of arrogant and pretentious people who disrespected fans and treated customers like crap. Now they sell a season pass and shut down their crap factory. I'm sure they will use a third party to make the last couple of episodes,, but they will probably be even worse and full of bugs. I'm happy to have seen Telltale's story end, and would prefer a refund instead of more of this joke of a game. S1 of TWD was more of a game for adults, while S4 seems written for emo teens, by teen writers. Nothing like S1 in any area. The characters couldn't even survive our world without their safe spaces, and Clementine super strength kicking in doors and stuff is just stupid. She's a small teen girl; not a large adult male like Lee. There's a huge difference, and it's not something that can be taught.

  • The Walking Dead is dying off and losing fans as a whole. It's been around too long and had a drastic drop in quality in all forms. Telltale didn't take that into account, or that many people were so sick of their repetitive games they weren't interested in them regardless of the franchise.

    It's the reason Rick and Maggie are leaving the TV show. AMC expects the ratings to continue dropping, and they don't think it's worth paying the actors what they want in a new contract, when it's only a question of how fast the rating will fall at this point. The comics are just as bad now too. The franchise is milking it for every penny, until they've literally turned most people off; which I think will happen soon.

  • That's so sad... :(

  • Wow, way to be an asshole. Yeah, the upper management was causing many issues, and the games were getting more bare bones in some areas, but many of the workers and employees did care and were trying there best to deliver a quality product. Aside from ANF, I'd say they succeeded even when they were pushed to their limits. Way to ignore how they were starting to get better again, or how they had great games beside just TWD first season. Many people have been greatly enjoying the final season, and saying it's a return to form, exactly what everybody has been wanting. The bugs are an issue, but they've always been there. I choose to remember the people who actually put passion into their work, and when I think of TellTale that is what I will remember, not the terrible upper management. They wanted to end their Walking Dead series on a high note, and move on to the future of their company. That's a pretty noble thing honestly. Yes, they probably wanted to get money back too and get the company back on its feet, but I don't think it would be the final season if they really just did it for the money. Good riddance to you. TellTale had its issues, and now they are paying the price, but people like you are just as much to blame as well.

    Good riddance Telltale. Greed, arrogance, stupidity, and unprofessional business tactics destroyed a company with great potential. The games

  • “TellTale had its issues, and now they are paying the price, but people like you are just as much to blame as well.”

    The only blame for Telltale’s demise is on Telltale.

    BlueLink3 posted: »

    Wow, way to be an asshole. Yeah, the upper management was causing many issues, and the games were getting more bare bones in some areas, but

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