What shows do you have on your DVR for the Fall/Autumn?
In the US at least, this is the time of year that all the new shows start and old starts star their new seasons. What shows do you all plan to watch regularly?
Old shows I know I'll watch:
Parks and Recreation
The Office
Curb Your Enthusiasm
The Big Bang Theory
Lie to Me
Family Guy
New shows that might be good:
Bored to Death
The Cleveland Show
Stargate Universe
Old shows I know I'll watch:
Parks and Recreation
The Office
Curb Your Enthusiasm
The Big Bang Theory
Lie to Me
Family Guy
New shows that might be good:
Bored to Death
The Cleveland Show
Stargate Universe
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Cleveland Show, The
Family Guy
How I Met Your Mother
South Park
Venture Bros.
Didn't see any new shows I wanted to watch, except maybe FrankensTime which...I thought was supposed to be part of the Fall adult swim schedule but I've literally seen NOTHING about it outside of Dino's forum posts.
EDIT: Oh, I may see Stargate: Universe. With my luck, I'll hate it at first, and when I finally warm up to it it'll be cancelled.
Stargate: Universe
and in the new year:
As for British shows, apart from the odd special here and there I only really tend to watch Top Gear which does start again in the autumn.
I forgot about Stargate Universe
For me, it'll be Smallville (despite being disappointed with the last half of Season 8), Heroes (for my father rather then me), Fringe, Family Guy and the first few episodes of The Cleveland Show, to see if I like it or not.
As for UK shows, I'll be watching (and probably end up disliking) the Doctor Who specials, and the new series of Merlin, which starts tonight.
RE: Old shows - I've been getting into CSI (the original), ReGenesis and New Tricks. Detective-type shows, basically.
The Office
New shows that look interesting:
Modern Family
Flash Forward
And shows that I'm still not sure if I like:
Glee - like the humor, not so much the singing
Community - hilarious actors, but it could get old fast
House - hoping it improves from last season
The gags were still humorous (albeit even more forced than usual), and the falling bathtub joke never gets old, but I can't see this lasting for more than half a season. Cleveland is my favorite supporting character, but half an hour devoted to him is way too much. At least the "Dat's what I tole you befo'" gag seemed to indicate that even Seth realizes how stupid the premise is.
(Debating whether or not to watch the new season of Scare Tactics)
24 (once it starts back up)
Eleventh Hour (same)
and whatever Lifetime movies come my way.
Shows I'll watch but probably not record:
In Plain Sight
I think Eleventh Hour got canceled =/.
All of the comedies on NBC Thursdays
Conan, Fallon, Stewart and Colbert
Important Things With Demetri Martin
Okay, I know I cheated on that last one, but there's really not that much to watch.
House - The new season started with a hour and a half of awesomeness, so I'm pretty much hooked.
Fringe - Season 1 finale promised so much. So when Season 2 started I was hoping we get more of that, instead it seems they are back on the slow, boring stuff. I'm still going to watch it, but it's a shame they decided to slow it down like that.
How I Met Your Mother - Needless to say, this show is Legen-- ...wait for it ... --dary!
The Big Bang Theory - You got to love that show. It's not big or serious, but the little nerd in me finds it hillarious.
Supernatural - Sam and Dean are back! Angels, demons and an awesome soundtrack. What more do I need?
Monk - last season. I'm watching it.
Shows I'm skipping:
Heroes - Too much plotholes, too much loose ends, boring characters and people randomly changing their motivation.
Star Gate Universe - I might check it out, maybe it would be better than that "Sanctuary" crap. But I highly doubt it.
I agree.