its speak like a pirate day! AARRRRRGHH!

edited September 2009 in Tales of Monkey Island
so tell us what youre doing and where on speak like a pirate day


  • edited September 2009
    seb-bad wrote: »
    so tell us what youre doing and where on speak like a pirate day

    Yarr... that post be not piratey enough, ya landlubber!
  • edited September 2009
    So guys, I know someone at Telltale and he gave me an almost-complete version of Tales episode 3 and it's great, anyone who wants to play it send me a private message and I'll send you the episode over aim. There's a few fatal bugs they haven't fixed yet, but... why buy it on the 29th when you can get it now, for free?
    I hate myself for using that pun
  • edited September 2009
    So guys, I know someone at Telltale and he gave me an almost-complete version of Tales episode 3 and it's great, anyone who wants to play it send me a private message and I'll send you the episode over aim. There's a few fatal bugs they haven't fixed yet, but... why buy it on the 29th when you can get it now, for free?
    Was that joke too obvious?

    So hey guys I was downloading Metallica's latest album from Napster and oh... hey Lars, what? AAAUUUUGHHHHHH NOOOOOOO!!! STOP!!! IT HURTS!!!!!!

  • edited September 2009
    Yarr... I be spendin the hours after sunset in the tavern, with me crew, drinking grog!

    grog! Grog! GROG!
  • edited September 2009
    y'argghh, a pirate? that I be... y'argh!

    I be restin', for the morrow be full of many a plunder, and I be tired! y'argh!
  • edited September 2009
    Arrgh, it only be seven thirty-three here, but aye doubt it'll matter if aye start my talkin' now.
  • edited September 2009
    Arrgh, it only be seven thirty-three here, but aye doubt it'll matter if aye start my talkin' now.

    It matters not, yargh, I started howlin' me pirate lingo back in '97, yargh!

    On the morrow, I'll be terrorising the landlubbers of Hull with me pirate lingo, yarrgh!!!
  • edited September 2009
    I'm gonna download so many illegal programs today.


    How do internet pirates talk?

    Do they have lingo?


    "Stop posting here you noob, if you don't know how to crack a game you can *^$# and die!"

    "What do you mean by "mount the image". There's no picture files in here".

    "I downloaded the game but what does "crack" mean?"

    I dunno, that was more noob pirate than pirate.
  • edited September 2009
    Fury wrote: »
    I'm gonna download so many illegal programs today.


    How do internet pirates talk?

    Do they have lingo?


    "Stop posting here you noob, if you don't know how to crack a game you can *^$# and die!"

    "What do you mean by "mount the image". There's no picture files in here".

    "I downloaded the game but what does "crack" mean?"

    I dunno, that was more noob pirate than pirate.

    Arrr, I be believing ye needs to thro' in a couple of "r0xx0rs" "pwned" "I be l33t" and ye must spell "n00b" wit' zeros!
  • edited September 2009
    Avast! This be no pirate talk! Arrrr! Th' internet has nae even be invented yet! Now, ye scallywags, brace the main mast and weigh anchor, bring me a tankard o' grog an' set sail fer adventure... if ye dare. Har har har!
  • edited September 2009
    TARRRR! ....doh!
  • edited September 2009
    *gzip* Arrr, sorry, I had meself a wee too much grog... *hic*
  • edited September 2009
    Yarrrr. I be havin' to go to work, and me boss won't let me yell "Avast!" and other such pirate-y lingo at all the landlubbers.

    ...Well, at least we'll be pillagin' the nearest pub afterwards. ARRRR!
  • edited September 2009
    I be scavenging the campus ground fer fellow buccaneers to join me crew and drink a keg o' Grog! Arrr!
  • edited September 2009
    Only losers pay for games!

    ... oh, wrong kind of pirate?... :p:p
  • edited September 2009
    so guys, i know someone at telltale and he gave me an almost-complete version of tales episode 3 and it's great, anyone who wants to play it send me a private message and i'll send you the episode over aim. There's a few fatal bugs they haven't fixed yet, but... Why buy it on the 29th when you can get it now, for free?
    i hate myself for using that pun

    it may be talk like a pirate day, ya scurvy sea dog, but that don't mean we be wantin' to actually pirate!
  • edited September 2009
    So guys, I know someone at Telltale and he gave me an almost-complete version of Tales episode 3 and it's great, anyone who wants to play it send me a private message and I'll send you the episode over aim. There's a few fatal bugs they haven't fixed yet, but... why buy it on the 29th when you can get it now, for free?
    I hate myself for using that pun

    Yarr, 'tis not t'righ' thing! This post be evil, all things come to he who waits ya scurvy dog! We do not seek treasure in which bugs dwell! WALK THE PLANK!!
  • edited September 2009
  • edited September 2009
    Haggis wrote: »
    *gzip* Arrr, sorry, I had meself a wee too much grog... *hic*

    D'arrrr, ye lightweight! I hads me five pints o' Grog XD 'fore breakfast! Ya lily-livered sea urchin!

    <downs another mug>
  • edited September 2009
    Oh yezzzzz? Wellllll... you... and you... fight *hiccup* like a kkkowwwzzz... *burp* 'av' another wun on meee, matey... *snore*
  • edited September 2009
    Arrr shiver me timberland
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