Minecraft: Story Mode Netflix Waiting Thread - Episode 1-5 Available Now, Nothing About Ep 6-8 or S2
Update (7.11): The game has disappeared from the site.
Update (7.11): Premiere is delayed, but not cancelled. No new release date.
Update (9.11): The game has returned to the site. No new release date.
Update (23.11): New release date announced: 27 November.
Update (23.11): New release date is not confirmed by Netflix's help.
Update (27.11): The game begins to appear on the site as available! When attempting to run in a mobile application, a connection error is displayed. Probably because of uploading the series.
Update (27.11): Episodes 1-3 are available! Episode 4 and 5 coming December 5. No support for Android.
Update (5.12): Episodes 4-5 are available! Netflix says that "all episodes available", no information about episodes 6, 7 and 8, or about Season 2.
Wow. Thanks.
I didn't expect this until late November.
I'm more interested in how they pull it off than I am excited though.
I honestly thought this was cancelled along with all the other stuff. Can't wait to try it out!
I haven’t been keeping up with this. I tried the adventure games they have on there so far and they’re so much more primitive than Telltale games. Are they making sacrifices to make it work somehow or is it going to be a crap version or does anyone know?
Apparently, wherever this kid is, he has access to MCSM on Netflix.
Here's the beginning section to episode 1.

Interesting thing: while the QTEs are obviously filled in for the viewer, you do have some partial control over a few select hub sections. (as you can see there's one right after the introduction to Ivor that is missing).
Also, you seem to be only relegated to two dialogue choices at a time instead of Telltale's usual 4 (though there's still the option of expiring the timer).
Another thing: judging by the bordering interface that pops up and the graphics, Telltale's opted to give Netflix the mobile version (though that may be because these interactive games can be played on such devices).
Thanks for sharing!
Graphics looks better, lol. Also they added "Your story is changing." info from Season 2.
Bad news. First post updated.
It's... seriously gone. Can't find it. The original program link up there leads to a blank page called "SHOW" with the description: "SHOW". Just yesterday, I looked on the client, and I managed to find the "Explore titles related to Minecraft: Story Mode", but even that's gone.
That's why i contact Netflix support right away.
First post updated.
First post updated.
First post updated.
First post updated!
First post updated.
Uhhh wow ok. So out of nowhere it's out, but not the whole series... Hmmm.
Decided to try it out for funsies. Went completely out of order starting with my fave episode atm (episode 3) and its pretty neat. I wish they added some click based QTE's or at least more choices since its pretty obvious there's been a lot of options cut, but for an interactive thing on netflix, its cute! A real shame that this is the only series that will be getting the treatment. I could have seen walking dead being very popular in this format.
Who knows? Maybe Skybound could become interested in making it happen.
First post updated.