Favorite boss themes in games?
Are there any soundtracks you've heard in the background of a boss fight that you felt made the fight much more epic? Share them here and Happy Halloween
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Are there any soundtracks you've heard in the background of a boss fight that you felt made the fight much more epic? Share them here and Happy Halloween
Undertale: The fight between Frisk and Sans along with battle between Frisk and Asriel were my favorites.
The new spider man had some pretty intense music for the last fight.
I wish I knew more games with awesome soundtracks.

Rivers in the Desert

The final showdown between Jimmy and Gary in BULLY (CANIS CANEM EDIT).

The final boss in Nier Automata had an awesome OST as you switch between A2 & 9S fighting two different bosses as you work your way up to the top of a spire and honestly that game has some of the best soundtracks this generation.

I only think of these 3 themes:

Most of The Dark Purveyors were great. And their tracks were awesome, particularly Zed and Mariska.
Lewis Legend
I love that uncharted 4 boss theme. The best of the series imo
I like Final Showdown too, it’s one of the best soundtracks in BULLY.