Stan Lee, 95, has sadly passed away.
The day we have all feared has finally arrived. Comic book writer and former editor-in-cheif of Marvel Comics, Stan Lee, has died. He has created or helped create some of Marvel's most well known characters, including Spider Man, Black Panther, the Fantastic Four, Hulk, and so much more. He has also made dozens of cameos in Marvel movies throughout the years.
Mr. Lee, you will be missed, RIP. Excelsior!
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Sorry I am a horrible person.
i just found out on discord r.i.p stan lee
I knew it was going to happen sooner or later and I still wasn’t prepared for it...RIP Stan.
I knew it was going to happen but I was hoping he would live longer, until Avengers 4. Well, Rest in Peace, master of cameos.
This isn't just the year where the creators of the most beloved Marvel superhero passed away, it was also a big year for Spider-Man himself, considering that one of the most anticipated games of the year was Spider-Man PS4, they made a spin-off movie for one of Spider-Man's most beloved villains, Venom, he was in Avengers Infinity War which it wouldn't have happened if they continued The Amazing Spider-Man franchise instead and last, but not least, Spider-Man will have his very first feature length animated film, Spider-Man: Into The Spider Verse which will be in Cinema next month.
The good thing is he’s still in Avengers 4 for one final cameo but rip Stan Lee
Right now I'm expecting every upcoming Marvel movie (In which Lee made the cameos) to have "In Memory of" after credits.
I wanna know which movie is his last cameo, cause I don't think Avengers 4 was his last.
Damn, and he just had one more to go.
I don’t think he has made anymore cameos. This is the last
Then it's a perfect spot.
It’s really good that he can be in the biggest and final Marvel movie before we start over in phase 4. And like you said when Avengers 4 are done it should said ''In Memory Of Stan Lee'' because Avengers 4 is the finale and if it isn’t there then it’s a fail
Was just about to post this. I’m crushed ??
I'm devastated.
I think he's filmed his cameos until at least Avengers 4, so his apparences aren't over yet.
It's gonna hurt to see him in these last few chances we have left.
All the original Spider-Man creators are now dead. Fuck you, universe.
And they will never get to see Into the Spider Verse (Spider-Man's very first feature length animated film) and Avengers 4 (The marvel movie that will change the franchise forever).
Even if others do deserve recognition, you don't have that type of thought upon someone's death. That's straight up cold.
Wait, SERIOUSLY?! This is horrible! I'm crying inside. : (
Rest in Peace, Stan the Man. Because of you, Steve and all the other talented people at Marvel, there are so many heroes that kids and adults alike can look up to.
People go and time flies but memories not.
We'll miss you.
Do not mind me...having one of my bad days...I have been foul to everyone today.
I can do without a zillion movies, but Stan Lee's creations were a big part of my childhood. R.I.P.
Have you no respect for the dead?!!!
Just ignore them. There's no point in arguing over this.
This is a scan from a page of Iron Man Issue 284 and what Doctor Doom decrees is what I feel:
"We decree a day of mourning throughout the land".
You’re insane ?
One final thing. Stan Lee really created a universe that is indeed one of a kind. Every one of his works should be honored. For me, the one franchise that will stay forever true to my heart is X-Men. Nothing grasped me more than the concept of the mutant.
Fare thee well Stan Lee.
i think he made a cameo in a cgi movie too but i can't remember which one. its been so long and i only saw it once.
Big Hero 6? He's the dad of one of the characters.
yeh that might be it. they made a series too but i never watched it. i wonder if he's in it.
Wow thats... cold.

I loved his views on story telling. Stories should have messages...or else they are like a man without a soul...pointless and lifeless. And he could write some good tales that is not to be denied. Having quite a day.
He was a highly accomplished man in the entertainment industry who lived to the impressive age of 95. May he rest in peace.
@Kennyshouladiedins1 Do not disrespect the dead.
Rest in Peace Stan Lee, you may be gone physically, but you will live on to outlive everyone in the universe.
For a second there, I thought that black guy and Howard Stark were supposed to be the same person.
Yeah, turn into Cocoa Pebbles.
I thought it was the other way around?
The "black guy" is James Rhodes.
Even if we assume everything you say is true, you don't need to go on a thread like this and celebrate him dying, the fact you feel the need to do this demonstrates that there's something wrong with you.
Just because somebody's an asshole doesn't mean you have to be happy he's dead, if for for some reason he really bugged you THAT much, do yourself a favor and keep what a sick fuck you are to yourself.