Do you buy your milk in a carton or jug?

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Please, I must know.
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Please, I must know.
Since we’re on the topic of milk, it’s only befitting that I ask what cereals you all buy. know...what cereals do you buy???
I buy in half-gallon jugs, which are also useful in containing used oil from oil changes after I'm done with the milk.
My mother-in-law used to even be able to get quart-size milk in jugs, but the grocery store that sold those has gone out of business, so now she has to get her quarts in cartons. She is really miffed about that.
Uhh... we use milk in carton. Its actually same thing for me, i'd have any.
In the old days I went for cartons with missing kids on them. It pleased me to know small children would be forced to look at them in horror as they gulped down the pride of my enslaved comrades.
yo why the HECK isnt there an option for straight from the utters fam?
I always wanted to buy from the carton, but I live in a household where jugs are mandatory
Not really, but we never buy milk in a carton. I will one day though.
i drink almond milk. and i only get it in cartons.
I usually just pour the old oil back into the empty oil jug. Gallon milk jugs on the other hand are good for mixing gas and two stroke oil ?
Jug. Might as well make it a resealable gallon at a time.
I get them in BAGS, son!
Canada woot woot
I am a stylish guy so I get jug milk from the shop and get carton milk delivered to my door from a milkman
I've never seen some shit like milk in a bag? That’s kinda cool though because it’s different.
We have these in Poland too(or at least we used to have). I remember buying bagged milk back in the days when I still lived there. I don't know why but it was always spoiled a day after it was opened, no matter if it was in the bag or in some container...
everything about this seems impractical
Don't have many problems with it spoiling here, but you may have just needed to refrigerate it!
I usually don't drink the milk straight from the jug but I think we can make an exception here lmfao?