Forum Record Holders?
Since we're nearing the end, I figured why not take a tally or at least an educated guess. I think I have for most threads posted, 404. Don't know whether to be proud or ashamed. Bust still,
Most likes?
Most Comments?
Longest Lifespan?
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@DabigRG wya
Way too late in the game for me lmfao
I might have the most visits. I don't know how but I've got a ridiculous amount.
I have the highest number of likes achieved within a 5 month period?
Why do you have so many visits?
I like to think I'm so painfully mediocre that it's why I'm the most special person here
In seriousness maybe the most inane ramblings in the Vent thread? I don't expect anything that comes out of my head to make sense anyways so hey I'll take it ?
Zzzzz....--AH, ah, I'm up.
What's goin on?
Too late for my ass to get anything but hey its been fun.....sometimes ?
Even though no one probably visits here anymore, I think it'd be cool if we made some sort of forum awards as a last hurrah for this community.
Best new member, funny member, something like that.
Pretty sure @ABigBadWolf has the most likes.
I think I'd get the award for the most awkward, cringey posts. Or possibly the dumbest rants.
i havent been here so long but ever since TFTB and i guess alot of people know my profile
I nominate @AChicken and @Cocoa2736 for nicest people on the forum.
I like to think of my niceness as a middle finger to the cruelty in the world and from myself in the past, almost as a prelude to the chances I'll take to stomp it out. A lot of people wouldn't consider that niceness, so I guess what I strive for is probably something deeper than what people want to consider me.
I appreciate the nomination though
Okay back to thinking
Got edited the fuck out, its aight tho. @AChicken is such a nice freakin' dude. Never felt overly mean or bitter like a ton of people here.
How about one of those records for me pls pl0x

i nominate myself and@warpspeed and @Melton23 and @Poogers555
Omg, thanks for all the love, guys. I made that much of an impact, huh?
Well, if I were to nominate someone for the "Nicest Person Award" it'd have to be @dylanwoods777. Dylan, you're just a bundle of joy. You're understanding, apologetic, and all-around just... nice.
EDIT: I don't know, maybe it's because I'm sad that this community is on its last legs, and kinda bored with nothing too new going on, but I'm seriously willing to open a Forum awards thread at the end of the year. Have people suggest categories, nominations, and then just wait a few months before locking it down.
Not one word of a lie, but this comment just made my day 10 times better! Thank you for the kind words
That is awfully kind of you to say