Happy Holidays to Everyone on the Telltale Forums!
Hi Everyone, I sincerely hope you all are enjoying the Holiday Season as we edge closer and closer to Christmas.
I love this time of year, getting to spend time with my family, messaging my friends and wishing them a Merry Christmas is what makes it so special to me. But I can't forget about the presents and the Christmas Dinner!
I truly hope that each and every Forum member, Former Telltale Staff, Forum Moderators, pretty much everyone here, a very Merry Christmas, and a truly Happy New Year! You guys are the best, and I wish you all the best during this Holiday Season as well as the entirety of 2019!
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I wish everyone here happy holidays, a merry Christmas, and a wonderful new year!
Jeez, it feels like only a few weeks ago I was posting something similar on last year's Happy Holidays thread. ¯I_(ツ)_/¯
I wish y'all in the best next year, and happy Holidays!
This Christmas is going to be an absolute pain in the coconut, downloading 3 AAA games with an 11Mbps download speed. Kill me pl0x
Lol, look at this guy complaining about 11mb/s internet speed while I'm stuck at 2mb/s on good days.
Anywho, hope y'all have a great time during holidays and happy new year as well!
happy holidays all im at work all morning though
I say 11 but that was the celebratory rate I got when I popped open the champagne after managing to supass 800 kb
You should try Comcast, I generally get around 70-120mps on wifi, in between the weekly outtages. On that note, fuck Comcast.
Not happy about the I've gotta show up at my grandparents when my siblings and cousins come over from out of state. Guess it's better than having to miss it because my last job was a 7 days a week, holidays included, gig. But I'm still riding us clinching the east yesterday, I want to keep this bender going lol
Tfw you get filled with false hope only to have it swiftly stripped away

This is why I love this dude.
1.3 right here sucka
You guys are always so sweet.
Family crystalizes (or hollows) into a loving memory, bonds of friendship can all loosen, snap or constrict against you, and many presents end up eventually gathering dust in a closet or paling their worth in some yard sale. It's the love you have for them that make the holidays something special, not the other way around.
Take your blessings slow; the world will afford to wait for you.
Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas everyone!
I hope it's one that treats you well. Have fun with the family, open good gifts, and have a wonderful end of year!

Same to you.
Happy Holidays to my beloved forum peeps