What’s your opinion about PUBG Resident Evil 2 event ?

As we probably we all know that PUBG is having the Resident Evil 2 even which I extremely exited for , I didn’t want to get to match details out of this on YouTube because the (Spoilers) And want to expirnce it for myself.

Hopes to god I hope it’s not just regular T-Virus zombies and add the accessories Lickers, Cerberus and Tyrant-103 or G-Virus even tho that sounds like fanboys dream that won’t be probably the case which I do mind a challenge.

I mean regular zombies are fun and all but...their just early to avoid and kill its threat level is like a Lvl 1and walkers well their like about the same lvl as the RE zombies not much of a challenge.

What do you guys think?

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