Language PATCH !

edited September 2007 in Sam & Max
hello telltale ! ( yes this goes out strictly to you ! )
I have a good idea : what when you offer language patches for free, which are developed by the fanbase ? you could make a event out of this and make a casting ( or somethin like this ) to find the best voices in each language !
I guess you fanbase would apreciate that very much and would even rise ?

please give reply to this idea !

we would love you for that ! :o




  • edited November 2006
    so what you others think about that ? isnt this a great idea ?
  • edited November 2006
    No... noooo... nooooo! NOOOO!!!

    C'mon, no dubbing by fans. That wouldn't work out. Having a group of fans work on subtitles, that I could live with. But if there's voice work, I'd either want it to be done by professionals (Hans Gerd Kilbinger and Sandra Schwittau as in "Hit the Road" for the German version would be fantastic!) or just have it subtitled. Bone is getting a German dub, so maybe it'll work with "Sam & Max" as well.

    EDIT: Thanks for your "nice" PM, Gabelstapler. I'm very sorry that I have an opinion on this topic. And I'm also sorry, that I'd like to have a QUALITY German version of the game, and not some amateur work. I'm sorry that I upset you, and I'm even more sorry that my comment might make TellTale think, that an fan-dub might NOT be a good idea. Did I say I'm sorry? Yes? Sorry, I didn't mean THAT...
  • edited November 2006
    I agree with Laserschwert. Fansub... yes. Fandub... no. And I don't really want a PM about my opinion :p
  • edited November 2006
    I'll second that! No fandubs, only fansubs (if wanted by the community)!

    (Seems we have ourselves a little german get-together here :D)

    Edit: Make that continental europe ;)
  • edited November 2006

    I'm french and I 've just finished the demo version.

    You are talking about language patches and fansub ?
    Can a french team do a french patch for a Telltale Game ?
    If there is a possibility to do this sort of things, i really want to try !

    If you know how to make it, it'll be great !

    Thanks !
  • edited November 2006
    Germans always want language patches, they are too lazy to learn English.
  • edited November 2006
    Rantanplan wrote: »
    Germans always want language patches, they are too lazy to learn English.

    I think my English is quite reasonable... yet, I still want a language patch (and that's probably because of "Hit the Road" being dubbed perfectly... at least Sam and Max).
  • edited November 2006
    actually there is a tool for changing the subtitles for the CSI games... i think it's on mixnmojo.

    my suggestion - start making a translation pack and when you have something to show , then talk with telltale.
    ithink they will be more open to accept something when it's based in a strong ground and it's quality can be checked
  • edited November 2006
    Can you imagine Sam and Max speaking in Chinese, Japanese, or Korean?

    Because I can and that would be hilarious.

    But seriously, that would simply cost too much to do for all the dubbings.
  • edited November 2006
    I can live without a language patch. I just supported the no dubbing league ;)
    Just finished the game - a bit too short, but I can't wait for the next episodes :D
  • edited November 2006
    But seriously, that would simply cost too much to do for all the dubbings.

    Well, "Bone" found a German publisher, and they're dubbing it... so, all doors open for "Sam & Max".
  • edited November 2006
    actually there is a tool for changing the subtitles for the CSI games... i think it's on mixnmojo.

    my suggestion - start making a translation pack and when you have something to show , then talk with telltale.
    ithink they will be more open to accept something when it's based in a strong ground and it's quality can be checked

    Thanks a lot !
    I'll try this soon, very soon ! ^^
  • edited November 2006
    DarkNemo wrote: »
    Thanks a lot !
    I'll try this soon, very soon ! ^^

    The exact location of the tool would be HERE.
  • edited November 2006
    The exact location of the tool would be HERE.

    I think it works just with Texas Hold'em and CSI3. Doesn't it?
  • edited November 2006
    It seems...
    Telltale, please, listen to us !
  • edited November 2006
    Can you imagine Sam and Max speaking in Chinese, Japanese, or Korean?

    I don't even know Chinese... yet I demand a Chinese dub, and will pay good money for it!
  • edited November 2006
    But seriously, that would simply cost too much to do for all the dubbings.

    yes, it would be very expensive ... but the most important languages must be dubbed ... German, Spanish and French ... above all German ;) ;) ;)

    other languages can be subbed ...
  • edited November 2006
    Well, it seems the fan-made translation is not to be organized form within this forum :)

    We are not allowed to post patching programs or modification tools (which is understandable, some editors allow that, others don't, its their game afterall).

    Just for you to know though, it is perfectly possible to translate the texts in the game (textures too), but that will be for you own enjoyment (and your friends').
  • edited November 2006
    Oh man. I hate dubbing. How can anyone stand it!?
  • edited November 2006
    lucasarts french dubbing was usually done with great care (FullThrottle for example was dubbed by professional dubbers who work on TV soaps and animated series).

    In fact, to be honest, since i grew up with them, i sometimes prefer the french dub to the english original (CMI and Full Throttle).
  • edited November 2006
    For now, mixnmojo software, don't work with sam & max.. I think will update soon, but for now fansubtitles it's impossible..
    Fandub don't like me, but if anyone want, it's more possible to do for now.. Bye!
  • edited November 2006
    In the french version of Hit the Road, Sam AND Max were dubbed by the same actor, Jean-Claude Donda. He did a lot of stuff on radio and dubbed numerous cartoons and video games (he was Ripburger's voice in Full Throttle, Kel-Thuzad in Warcraft 3...) If a french speaking version of Season 1 is ever made, I hope Donda will reprise the roles of our favourite crimefighting duo...
  • edited November 2006
    The last point & click edited by Focus were dubbed by professional!
    (For example, The Westerner!)
    French voices of Julia Roberts, Tom Hanks....
    A very good thing!
  • edited November 2006
    I'm curious how you translate "soda jerk" in German and French. :D

  • VogVog
    edited November 2006
    Well, I'm very interested in an German translation, too.
    Is there any way to get the English sound files to edit them or something like that?
    And to the developers: Would you agree to a german fan made dub or would you disagree?
  • edited November 2006
    Rantanplan wrote: »
    Germans always want language patches, they are too lazy to learn English.

    But americans are well known as polyglot people, right?:)
  • edited November 2006
    Rantanplan wrote: »
    Germans always want language patches, they are too lazy to learn English.

    But will you play a game in german or french language? I don't think so... And every none english games are translated in english. Telltale sells Ankh in english whereas it's a german game. Maybe you've played Syberia if you're a point and click lover. It's a french game.

    I'm French too and I had play Sam and Max and other point and clik game in french for many reasons :
    First I was really young when I play these games. And with two years of english learning it's was quite difficult to understand everything.
    Then Sam and Max aren't speaking an easy english. They use so many familiar expressions which are hardly understandable for foreigners...

    Then english isn't speak by everybody in the world, stop to believe that ;)

    So please Telltale think about non speaking english people!! :)
  • edited November 2006
    Erwin wrote: »
    I'm curious how you translate "soda jerk" in German and French. :D

    My suggestion for the German translation: Brause-Arsch :D
    but I think Soda Poppers will be much more interesting to translate ;)
  • edited November 2006
    S3BR4 wrote: »
    My suggestion for the German translation: Brause-Arsch :D

    I don't think I'm gonna use that word next time I'm in Germany ;)

  • edited November 2006
    If someone tell me how to do it. I can make the subtitles in french or just the translation if you want.
  • edited November 2006
    Send BarfHappy a message, he knows how to do it, but his post where he was explaining it was, apparently, deleted.
  • edited November 2006
    Culture Shock has 2868 separate lines of dialog as part of the game and GUI. Translating all that (and translating it well) would be a mammoth task.
    You would have to have a hell of a lot of time on your hands.
  • edited November 2006
    Wouldn't it be nice to have a wiki-like webapp for translating the game in other languages? Then it wouldn't be a mammoth task if people would collaborate into translating all those 2868 seperate lines of dialog into their language of choice.
  • edited November 2006
    Yes I agree a wiki would be the best
  • edited November 2006
    AFAIK, the more successful redubbed games are typically in german. Germans love video games, more than Americans sometimes I've come to find.
  • edited November 2006
    For me a portuguese (brazilian) subtitle would be nice.
  • edited December 2006
    hello people !
    now that the thread has come a little more open for the option of an fandubbing, we should take it together.
    because telltale never answered on this post and even deleted postings which describe how to edit it, the chance that they will allow a dubbing from fans is small - but somebody got to do it.
    from my point, its yet a loooong time til summer 2008 (when s&m2 will be released in other languages - to the earliest point). and at these times I want to watch the soccer EM.

    so we need a little enthusiasm to do this and good people who gets serious in it.

    to telltale (I know anyone of you will read this) : I know you dont like to see that we make plans for a translation, but isnt there a posibility that we can make it ? we could release it on your page for free as a fanproject. and the peeps will love it and buy more of your games !
  • edited December 2006
    Spanish PATCH please!!!
    only subtitles!!!!

    thanks TellTaleGames ;-)

    who knows fansub page that doing this work? (amateur)

    Tenemos al Real Madrid,al Fary y a Julián Muñoz,pero necesito el Sam & Max en castellano para sentirme orgulloso de ser español xD
  • edited December 2006
    italian patch please!!!!!!!!!
    only subtitles
    aiutoooooooo faccio schifo in inglese, mi serve la patch italiana di sam & max, aspettavo questo gioco da 13 anni, da dopo sam & max hit the road, chi ha la patch italiana la può inviare alla mia mail, grazie!!!!! vi prego fatelo sto uscendo pazzo per trovarla:)
  • edited December 2006
    vikpatato wrote: »
    italian patch please!!!!!!!!!
    only subtitles
    aiutoooooooo faccio schifo in inglese, mi serve la patch italiana di sam & max, aspettavo questo gioco da 13 anni, da dopo sam & max hit the road, chi ha la patch italiana la può inviare alla mia mail, grazie!!!!! vi prego fatelo sto uscendo pazzo per trovarla:)

    The italian patch DOESN'T EXIST YET!!! Looking for it is useless, man! (La patch italiana non esiste ancora, è inutile che la cerchi!)
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