This makes me think of TWD ANF in an odd sort of way.
The voice of this guy will always remind me of Luke
This song will remind me of Sarah and of the fanfiction novel Tables turned in an alternate universe of season 2
Shoutout of @Fangirl101 for posting this
This will remind of Bonnie, Mike, and of Good for nothing Arvo
Almost everything that comes from Evanescence/Amy Lee will remind me of Clementine. Including some songs from Apocalyptica
And Pretty much any song that was posted in the Perfect theme song thread will remind me of TWD and including Telltale games. It's going to be hard to forget.
This makes me think of TWD ANF in an odd sort of way.
The voice of this guy will always remind me of Luke
This song will remind … moreme of Sarah and of the fanfiction novel Tables turned in an alternate universe of season 2
Shoutout of @Fangirl101 for posting this
This will remind of Bonnie, Mike, and of Good for nothing Arvo
Almost everything that comes from Evanescence/Amy Lee will remind me of Clementine. Including some songs from Apocalyptica
And Pretty much any song that was posted in the Perfect theme song thread will remind me of TWD and including Telltale games. It's going to be hard to forget.
This one
This is the music that I always listen when sad news happen.

Spoilers for Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse

Excellent taste in classic-era Telltale music
Boyz II Men

This makes me think of TWD ANF in an odd sort of way.
The voice of this guy will always remind me of Luke

This song will remind me of Sarah and of the fanfiction novel Tables turned in an alternate universe of season 2

Shoutout of @Fangirl101 for posting this
This will remind of Bonnie, Mike, and of Good for nothing Arvo

Almost everything that comes from Evanescence/Amy Lee will remind me of Clementine. Including some songs from Apocalyptica
And Pretty much any song that was posted in the Perfect theme song thread will remind me of TWD and including Telltale games. It's going to be hard to forget.
Thank you for the shoutout, buddy!